
I totally understand your reaction. I mean holy hell did she ever own your ass completely for everyone to see.

You listen to me, the Hollywood Upstairs Massage University has a FANTASTIC doctorate program!

To your first point: Right. Even in out-and-out prostitution, the illusion being paid for is that the prostitute desires the John, when all they really desire is the pay they receive for what they do for/with the John (this is not a criticism of prostitution, either, but some people forget that it’s a very clear

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Being white and slim doesn’t make you automatically “gorgeous”. 

“Arch Warhammer is a dickhead. Goodbye.”

Sounds to me like Arch Warhammer is a dick.

I stand with Wheels.

What’s it like being dumb enough to have your life enriched by the “snowflakes have six sides” guy?

You know what would help that? Holding men who sexually harass women accountable.


Maverick is a defense test pilot now. Since the FAA permits private-sector flyers up to the age of 65, his age is no big deal. Some vague middle eastern power NOT IRAN OKAY GUYS COME ON gets up to something, and Maverick is recruited to run some kind of small aerial infiltration. The enemy air force will

poor third-world dictatorships

No. No we really don’t. 


Or maybe it’s more impressive to make something sensible or, better yet, make an effort to make something true to the character you’re representing. There’s a whole point to making a suit so practical and cool that you don’t realize it’s a woman until she removes her helmet.

I’d argue that the better way to stand out is showing people that will review your folder that you can do better than the other 120397102743 artists who all think characters that look like this are the epitome of attractiveness, or demonstrate that you can do better than them by showing you can draw different ways

Needless high heels; needless make-up; slim, hourglass figure despite how she should be a power lifter of a woman; “cutesy” hairstyle; angles/poses that are just a few degrees off from a pin-up; all topped off with a size -10 waist.

The second I saw he was an artist from Riot it was obvious what to expect. It is remarkably on brand for their style.

Yea, and one day maybe (they will not) people will realize that Jay-z/ Duck Dynasty goobers / Self made millionaire of your choice are exceptions that prove the rule.

But they have disenfranchised the working class. The average worker, with the aid of machines, is exponentially more productive than they were in previous decades, yet their earning power has not improved. The benefits of all that increased productivity has been hoarded by the ownership class.


Detest the individual all you want. Hell, tell ‘em they’re a piece of shit to their face, if you’re so inclined—but some lines must remain inviolate, because every human being has the right to basic dignity.