
It’s the new meta.

That blurb the content creator uses to summarize the ethics of his channel is the weirdest part. It’s such an odd mix of politics which aren’t particularly related to tipping culture.

To make it simple, SJ’s image and voice are her products and services. She trades them for compensation. OpenAI is making use of SJ’s products and services (or blatant imitations of it) and not compensating her. Altman even gloated about the similarities. They want the consumer to make the association between OpenAI

I used to say something like this about Snyder. Stop giving him movies and keep him in his lane working on visuals, but it’s been almost 20 years since 300. The only thing that’s aged worse than his visual style is his inability to tell a story and his super ability to misunderstand adapted subject matter.

I’m having a hard time with it too. It really does feel like the creators were stuck making exactly what Bethesda needed them to make but also overly concerned with appeasing a certain subset of fans. I was binging it but stopped halfway through episode 5 because most scenes were a lot of me seeing what they were

People keep calling it “charmless” which I can see if you entirely give up on the show during the rough parts. If you persist through the moments of bad/over-expository dialogue and dodgy execution, there is some real charm there. It’s like the Cowboy Bebop remake, you could tell there was love for the material in the

I love BG3 and have a regular D&D group, but I get the argument about RNG. It can feel great to narrowly avoid death/defeat a more powerful foe with a clutch critical, but the opposite doesn’t feel good. To be an expert swordsman and miss your swings 1 in 20 times (rolling a natural 1) seems crazy, and here’s the

Crunch will get worse and releases will become shoddier after the MS buy because having greater market share means you can provide less value to consumers and treat your workers worse. It’s a spectrum for sure but the closer your company is to being the only game in town the less you actually have to do. See Zaslav

Wow, I figured someone would be channeling Malthus but not in the very first comment.

Do the Samsung 990s have to have their firmware updated before being slotted into a console?

Obviously an “I don’t care to answer this” answer which is fine IMO. However, this does highlight that though BotW/TotK really added a lot to the concept of open-world games, I don’t think they did nearly as much for Zelda games overall.

What frustrates me the most is that they’ve done nothing to solve minor issues some of which have been around since Oblivion. In a game full of menus, why can’t I get one that easily and informatively let’s me move inventory between all of my companions, my character, and my ship? Or the weird pathing issues? That’s a

I know it was just a performance for clout but every time I see this oaf’s red, spittle-covered face I feel this combination of boredom, annoyance, cringe, and disgust.

My guess is distended stomachs.

A great story for labor day: working class people building community and standing in solidarity. For sure, life isn’t a movie, but it is poetic that the powerful sow the seeds of their own destruction by their inability to restrain their greed. I mean, it’s only comfort that keeps the average person from organizing


Arguably, Bethesda consistently over promises and under-delivers more than any other dev/publisher. It brings this criticism upon itself by making wild and bizarre claims such as “130 hours just to start the game” or “you can explore an entire barren planet if you want to.”

There’s bound to be drama where content creators are involved but the combination of crunch/other anti-labor behavior, glaring conflicts of interest, and data inaccuracy from a $100 million company makes this newsworthy. And even if none of that other stuff had happened there’s still the sexual harassment allegations.

In regards to colonizing Mars, a question that doesn’t get asked often enough is why?

8 Star Wars, 2 Rambo movies for some reason, and 35,758 episodes of The Simpsons.