
Ok, wow, a thread specifically created for my sort of pedantry (I have an astrophysics Ph.D.). Here we go.

I’m just gonna go ahead and say that Bernie should do what he should’ve done before he announced his 2020 candidacy (his 2016 run was fine—and necessary): Step aside for Warren, and be the elder statesman he’s earned the right to be.

Not everyone needs to be President. Shit, President isn’t even the strongest office in

The single unifying plank of the GOP that brings together Joe Plumber, Oligarchs, and fundies is bragging about how little empathy you have.

Like “both sides are just as bad” isn’t just as much tired edgelord garbage. This whole thread is a tire fire and you are the “center-left” asshole just squirting on the lighter fluid. “Self righteous anger”. And FUCK YES earnestness. Might as well just throw in a “SJW”, FFS.

My town is full of homeless veterans, we

So did I, but people did use slurs. However those people were promptly dealt with rather than just going “oh well, we can’t please everyone.”

On a related note, I have a black male character in Rust which was forced upon me by the developers without a choice, which I think is wrong. People use racial slurs against me in game because of it.

Straight up. I also can’t fathom believing these male religious leaders (Dalai Lama, the Pope, fill in the blank) have “answers” and are closer to enlightenment. For someone critical of Trump, the Dalai Lama sure fucking sounds like him.

Going to McDonald’s > Using the r-word as an insult

Awesome comment

Awesome comment

Are you cherry picking quotes or are most popular streamers just the worst? Almost all these quotes rub me the wrong way, and some read as completely insufferable.

The thing I have to this conversation is that yiiikes the anointing of Joe Biden is so disappointing when there’s actual people working their tail off for a shot in the primaries by trying not to bring up Trump.

“I think he’s the weakest mentally,” Trump said. “I like running against people who are weak mentally. I think he is the weakest up here. The other ones have much more energy.”

Neither is OK.  UFC is human cockfighting. 

This week, on: HOW TO READ LIFE IN AGGRO! (A weekly analysis of a webcomic everyone complains is difficult to read)

I think you’ve really got a point about force users. He’s doing a bunch of stuff that should be cool; stopping time for specific items, pushing/pulling things, manipulating the environment, etc... The thing is, video games have been doing all of that shit for well over a decade now, ad nauseum. There’s nothing in here

Is that why he’s been putting humanity on trial the past year?

You primitive humans could never hope to comprehend the interconnectedness of reality! A femtosecond of thought would reveal how utterly absurd and trivial these conspiracy theories are. I’ve a good mind to dematerialise all of these kooks and rematerialise them just inside the event horizon of a supermassive black

You could just not click on the articles that you know you will not like. I do that and it’s shockingly easy

Not for nothing, but these kook fringe beliefs have a way of showing up in the highest levels of power these days. It’s probably better for people to understand where they’re coming from before it shows up on Fox & Friends or gets amplified by one of Trump’s friends like Alex Jones.