Yeah, a corpse is just a corpse but the person they used to be potentially had meaningful relationships with still living people. I guess if it was some dead guy from the 1800s it would be fine? There's a lot of grey area for sure.
Yeah, a corpse is just a corpse but the person they used to be potentially had meaningful relationships with still living people. I guess if it was some dead guy from the 1800s it would be fine? There's a lot of grey area for sure.
Right. Granted, I don’t think this is the result of some grand corporate conspiracy, but rather the culmination of many smaller conspiracies such as the conspiracy to make professional artists redundant. There’s also conspiracies to price fix, bust unions, monopolize industries, etc. but certainly the conspiracy to…
AI is not going away. It’s only getting better faster, and the average consumer is not discerning enough to care if the art in their media was authored by a human being or an algorithm.
There is get rich quick, except it requires a combination of circumstance and already being rich. Put another way, getting rich is, as a rule, not for poor people.
It's cruising right now but you need workers to run the site. And yeah, he "blew up a liberal echo chamber" but he had to torch the site and billions of dollars to do it. Proof that if you give someone enough unaccountable power, their ego will result in them sitting on their own balls. The only thing more…
You’re absolutely right in that modern games force us to change our perspective, particularly in the case of online games like NMS. Updates happen. Games aren’t static in the way they used to be. It’s not like firing up an SNES cartridge to play the exact same game from 30 years ago.
The story is obviously not done. Taylor is free to bring the issue to the public.
I wonder what it’s like to think this is an opinion worthy of consideration.
VR is cool, but it’s not there yet. In fact, I don’t think there’s a single device in production right now that will be part of the mainstreaming of VR.
This has to be a problem they have because they’re not putting any time or effort into solving it. Blizzard has so many metrics for player performance that I’m sure they can find some solution that lets console players compete on an even playing field. Adjust different fields of auto-aim strength until the average…
Good and successful are mutually exclusive.
Wooting makes a keyboard with a ten-key. It’s the one I picked up.
I get what you’re saying but in the sense that this article is making fun of a certain kind of gamer that I just don’t see very often anymore. Granted, that doesn’t mean they’re not around.
The hype for the system was somewhat warranted but, like other novel procedural systems, it was relied on too heavily as a way of generating content. Maybe it was necessary, considering how thin the story was in both of the Shadow games, but the sequel in particular grew grating at times.
Thirty years ago? Yeah, you can draw a direct line from then to now by way of causality. You’re making it sound like it’s ancient history.
Forcing anyone to learn a language to gain access to gain access to government services is some ass-backwards bullshit anyway you slice it. Rhetoric about “preserving culture” is nationalist propaganda.
What keeps getting lost everytime Heard v Depp comes up is that it’s worth examining the reaction to the trial aside from the specifics of who did what to who.
Everyone chill. This is very good satire from LTFX.
I’m a tech so I work with the kind of people who are easily swayed by Elon’s awkward grift.
As other people have mentioned, there is no room for live and let live with anyone who believes that some groups of people are not entitled to the rights and dignities afforded by personhood. Bigotry is not a difference of opinion.