
Yeah, the way people, dudes in particular, are twisting this to be the fantasy case they wish existed: a successful upstanding man smeared by a manipulative and evil woman. It’s grotesque how much a certain type of guy needs this to exist and it’s upsetting how many of those guys there are.

It’s brinkmanship.

Yeah, everyone’s going real hard at you, huh?

The wildest thing to me is that there are major conspiracies. There’s a conspiracy to transfer power and wealth from the public domain into the hands of a few elite via corporations. There are related conspiracies to strengthen the police state and to train us to be allergic to organizing. There are plenty of

I want to respond to your comments on difficulty, mainly because I’m not as familiar with other aspects of the Souls series.

This is where we are now.

Veit has a point. It’s weird that Berry claims a crossword puzzle can be apolitical but then delivers an argument for why it’s okay for it to be political.

I get being pissed at broken games, but we should always treat our relationship with developers and publishers (especially big ones) as adversarial. If EA could charge you $60 for nothing, they would.

That’s a good point! Education is an easy sell. This country needs educated people whether through trade schools or universities. It seems like a bad plan to hamstring people making a good faith effort to improve their lot especially after their outcomes were often a lot less rosy than what was promised.

A lot of cool games to check out but I want to advocate for Against the Storm. I’ve had it for 2 weeks and already dropped an embarrassing amount of time into it.

I get what you’re saying. Remakes and every Marvel/Star Wars thing just keep sucking up talent, meaning there’s less to go around for new stuff.

I’m surprised OJ isn’t on here. I know all of the store stuff is just rehydrated pulp with flavor packets, but the store brand always has a Sunny Delight aspect to it that really puts me off.

I can’t believe Newburner42020 would click on this article and post something that is both petty and inflammatory. It’s like they’re trying to get some kind of rise out of people.

Healthcare, housing, food, and water. For life and as much as is needed.

For sure, Americans are quick to cast stones in this situation, oblivious to the reality that our most prominent freedom is the freedom to die on the street from either a lack of social services or an abundance of cops.

So you’re comparing efforts to disenfranchise the most vulnerable of our citizenry with... providing ID to buy a GPU? Do you really think these two are the same?

I suspect I’ll have a similar experience. Miranda may come across as complaining about being “perfect” but her situation is pretty messed up and she’s making the best of it.

I thought I was going to make a lot of the same decisions in ME LE that I made when I first played the series. It’s interesting to see how much my perspective has changed.

Mega Man Legends 1 & 2.

I think Disney was in a no-win situation. Snow White, and particularly that scene, would have been noticeably absent to their weird fans.