
No one said it would be okay in the other direction, but this kind of vitriol typically flows one way, and it is different when there is misogyny, racism, or any kind of bigotry involved. Saying that doesn’t invalidate the pain of anyone who has suffered verbal abuse.

Racists will be racist in their Discord or TeamSpeak.

I watch something on Twitch almost daily.

I think they were trying to spare you from the eldritch horror of Fallout locomotives.

What? Owning figures of scantily clad characters is not the problem. Thinking it’s a good idea to bring them to work OTOH shows a real lack of professionalism.

I do watch my share of streams (I’m an adult and don’t have time to play EVERY game) but I am for sure too old to understand these kinds of stunts. It’s meme-y and not for me.


I would say it’s broader and more complicated than that. It has to do with the way our culture values... well, value. You get streamers who have some combination of appeal (e.g. skills, good-looks, the right personality) and, for a little investment, generate a lot of value for a number of industries. Our culture

Crap, I meant to reply to SquiglySquirel....

I went down this rabbit hole recently.

It is!

Speaking for the “machismo” propagated by Latinx men, it’s a power fantasy. Granted, it’s one that differs from the action movie ideals of masculinity, because your typical working class Latinx man (myself included) is not a tall sculpted slab of beef. Instead, they identify with the fat slob of a POTUS and his

I agree with you.

Also, to be clear, it is not a woman’s job to coddle a man’s ego or to date someone they’re not physically attracted to. It is each individual person’s job to put in the emotional labor of overcoming their insecurities. This is how you build emotional competence (and how men escape the trap of toxic masculinity).

You described the behavior Haddish is engaging in.

It’s for sure not reverse sexism, because that doesn’t exist.

“attach themselves to some moral high ground”

In my experience, those 1 in 10 voters were only voting for Bernie because they felt they had something to gain from it.

Americans committed war crimes and there should be a greater exploration of US involvement in WWII. We should question the motivation for numerous bombing campaigns and the use of atomic weapons to end the war in the Pacific theater. In particular, American narratives of WWII are self-serving rationalizations that are

Gonna echo that anyone who uses the term “snowflakes” un-ironically is clearly not concerned with adding credibility to their argument.