The sort of irrational insecurity that makes someone a poor sport is the same that makes them overreact to shit like this.
The sort of irrational insecurity that makes someone a poor sport is the same that makes them overreact to shit like this.
I agree.
“I checked it. They actually did it. It’s live. I uninstalled. This is my last post. Bye Overwatch after 3 years of every day play. I won’t support censorship on such level,”
The item durability mechanic was initially rough on my psyche. My tendency to horde powerful items was at odds with my anxiety over leaving slightly inferior items behind to be cleaned up by the engines garbage disposal. In the end, it pushed me to be more liberal with how I used items, meaning I wasn’t waiting…
Same. Playing renegade felt messed up, and playing paragon was goofy at times but at least it made quest elements available as well as making possible that real bad charm/coerce mechanic in the first game.
You deserve all the stars for teaching me a thing.
“There are plenty of people who do not see things through this paradigm.”
That’s wild, I just watched this video.
That’s weird. I don’t remember explicitly calling any employee evil, racist, or a bigot. I do remember specifically saying that framing this as good vs evil was reductive.
Nah, make yourself a presence. By that, I mean, take time for yourself, because it’s exhausting having to explain and re-explain to someone why representation matters. That said, change only happens through the exchange of ideas so don’t stop pushing back against entrenched bigotry.
Tell me how this substantively differs from the Soviet Union requiring that all art, in all forms, made in the USSR for decades require patriotic elements?
I had to spend more time grinding to refill my stock of potions than actual time trying to get good at fighting the bosses
I think games that are designed and marketed around their difficult and unforgiving nature draw in a certain type of person who is looking to build their identity on the things they have “conquered.” It isn’t regular competitiveness but some kind of pathological competitiveness. Although it isn’t a uniquely male…
Yeesh. Solid idea and interesting presentation, but fuck giving these goobers any money.
There was a lot of good pulp.
At least you’re finishing new games. I’ve hit 2600 hours in Space Engineers. Granted, it’s been out for like a decade, but I haven’t finished Horizon, Witcher 2 or 3, RDR 2, and so many games on my Steam list.
They also have to live in a culture that diminishes and demeans them for how they choose to express their gender.
If you think Zack’s comment is crude, you should see the comments he’s warning against.
Ow my heart.