
If someone lobs slurs at me while I’m in a team death match, yeah, I’ll ignore it because I have at least a dozen more players I can work with.

Something that I’ve been thinking about only embarrassingly recently (I’m transitioning to old) is that we are going to have a generation of students who grew up with mass shootings. The number of young people immediately affected grows with every shooting, and they’re looking at the adults who have deemed this part


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A bit more niche, but I enjoy watching w4stedspace play Space Engineers.

Yeah, and what happens if we defeat the extraterrestrial threat. Some bloke will be like, “Hey, remember capitalism,” and we’ll be back at war with each other.

Given enough time, capitalism will always ruin what what it helped create.

Same. I think it’s the psychological effect of their kooky underdog marketing.

I’ve been fine tuning this strategy on 100% in which I rush build a Power Plant and bull doze any Windmills I already have (usually 3). After which, I sticky mostly to Power Plants for my energy needs and put down Windmills very judiciously. With a good stone supply, I can keep the number of Windmills in my colony

I recently started working at an elementary school district in Maricopa County.

Oh, goddammit!

Gold star for bravery?

I think it’s a class thing. I know people who say Dominos is great but look at Little Caeser’s pizzas like they’re made of turds and garbage. There’s almost no difference in quality so I figure all the disgust is performative. They don’t want to be someone who eats at Little Caesars which betrays a lack of

Yep. Just moved to AZ and saw my first JJ’s sandwich. Pretty embarrassing and I occasionally eat at Subway. Dominos and Little Caesers are good because it’s hard to make bad pizza.

I don’t know much about wrestling but that fella gave nice words and has good taste in dogs.

ICBMs are old tech, but NK has only just advanced to that point. From what is given in the article, the kind of warhead that goes on an ICBM is different than you would find on shorter range ballistic missile, with atmospheric re-entry being the key factor.

I dislike Katie Perry and I want her to stop. I like Koalas and want them to persist.

I’m also leaving behind a 3-hour roundtrip (60 miles total) commute from El Monte to west LA. I start my new job tomorrow and it looks like it will take me 15-20 minutes, but now I have to live in Arizona.

Consider the opposite case.

California isn’t banning the federal government from enforcing immigration laws within the state, because, as you said, it can’t.

My aunt works as a house cleaner and came into a significant bit of money about a decade back. She immediately did what us poors are wont to do, and spent it poorly by buying a million dollar McMansion. After the bubble burst, and a few other bad decisions, she has struggled to hold on to the house. I lived with her