I can diggit, an open relationship eh? I will fully cop to being a man whore in my witcher travels, definitely made sweet virtual love to Shae in HoS, havn’t gotten around to playing Blood and Wine, know I need to
I can diggit, an open relationship eh? I will fully cop to being a man whore in my witcher travels, definitely made sweet virtual love to Shae in HoS, havn’t gotten around to playing Blood and Wine, know I need to
Mafia III has some issues. Despite that, I’ve been enjoying my time with it. I really like losing myself in the…
Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.
Japanese animation belittling and sexualizing women?
I can get over the fact that this exists. I can’t get over how shit like this is kind of the ‘face’ of anime.
Having defended a dissertation, I’m torn between not wanting to wish that on anyone, and delighting with sadistic glee at the idea of subjecting people to it who are manifestly unqualified.
Right?! Not contributing to the shit-show of this election? What an a-hole this guy is. (extreme sarcasm)
Lets dispose of these useless “debates”, which only serve to rescue the imploding campaigns of arrogant sex predators, while giving yet another clueless audience things to clap for.
Well, I heard that Norwegian cloudberries picked by the decendants of trolls and hulders cure cancers caused by electromagnetic waves if you write your intention on the container and put it under your pillow when sleeping. It’s true, my friend’s cousin’s dogsitter sent me a FW:FW:FW: that proved it with words!
Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.
I can’t stop laughing about an ‘eco dentist’. What the ever-loving fuck is that? She tries to fight your tooth decay by cultivating penicillin mold between your teeth?
As a quirky-but-not-diagnosed geek who married another quirky geek and had an autistic child, I was never particularly confused about the cause of my son’s autism.
I think we’re getting to the point where people just find facts and reality itself offensive. I’m waiting for someone to sue the CDC for offending their religious liberty.
god. damnit. thank. you. for. saying. this.
By their own data, a majority (60%) of parents whose children have autism do not agree with the statement that vaccines were linked to their child’s autism. (You’d have to have a child with Autism to qualify for the resondent group for that question). So, they’re not just losing the arguement with the general public…
You guys, I have hit peak old person.
“In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.”
Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.