As far as I remember, they’re technically pirates but it has nothing like Kenway’s journey. No Blackbeard-esques, for example.
As far as I remember, they’re technically pirates but it has nothing like Kenway’s journey. No Blackbeard-esques, for example.
You might want to try Rogue too, I found it far most satisfactory than Black Flag. Rather underrated, in my opinion.
Aw, dude. I made the mistake of trying to do it in stealth as much as possible.
That crap was stupid on Normal, and I say this as a guy who laughed incessantly through every other level on Crushing.
Again, I support those issues, just not the way she tends to cry wolf, such as when she went up in front of the UN and tried to claim women face the brunt of online harassment when it’s demonstrably true for men as well.
She inherited it years ago, and has been trying (and failing repeatedly) to fix it. That’s what I meant. On top of that, prior to the events of the game, she was letting Rafe boss her around despite them being romantically involved—which is why the evolution at the end where she rejects him is important.
You seem vexed. I simply meant that he took a more positive interpretation of her spoken views and applied that to his craft. After all, it sounds excellent on the surface. Equality!
My issue is with how she proposes to execute those views. I like Druckmann’s compromise.
Think I’m off my rocker? Here:
Er... I don’t quite recall where in the story they mention it. Vague idea it was in Scotland, but I could be wrong.
How can anime be real if fans aren’t real.
I just read through that. Dunno if you meant this particular one, but they outright blew up that I hate women and minorities.
Bazinga. It was kinda ridiculous he had yet to meet someone he couldn’t take on. Uncharted 2 kinda side-stepped it by making him cheat. Felt that Nadine was a good balance.
Yeah, pretty much.
Sure, sure. Let’s ignore that I am not a white cisgender whatever. All hail planet America and its first world problems! I’m assuming you’re a first-worlder, at the very least.
Nadine has no flaws? She’s inherited a host of problems from her father’s mistakes, she let... what’s his name, Ross? boss her around for years before losing her patience and going on a bombing spree amidst priceless artefacts. The list goes on.
Besides, anything you can say about Elena, you can apply to Sully in this…
Never said the people that vehemently hate her are angels. My sole point is that she represents the dregs of that side of the conversation. I don’t agree with her overt victimisation rhetoric. I don’t agree with the people that send her death threats either.
Perhaps, but I would argue that the good effect has been in spite of her efforts.
I mean, I imagine ND did consider including a more varied cast because of her, but they din’t go overboard (as her videos seem to encourage) and throw in LGBTIQ characters and so on willy nilly.
Everyone in the cast is there for a reason.…
Yeah, sure. That’s exactly what I meant. I wasn’t referring to her talking people out of thousands of dollars for content that other creators have outdone on far smaller budgets.
Sure, fair enough. I’ve seen small opponents take down people out of their weight class, though, so that’s where I’m coming from.
One can hope, aye.
Whoa whoa whoa, easy. I should have said “necessarily identify with”. That clear your thing?
I just meant I approve of how they remind writers to experiment outside writing their ‘inner protagonist’. Absolutely agree with you, mate.
Am I the only one that dislikes the new media apps it comes with, though? Films & TV / Groove look better than the old media player, but the functionality is just bad.