You’re right. However, the daughter thing does seem to bring out how galling sexism is.
You’re right. However, the daughter thing does seem to bring out how galling sexism is.
Amen. And conversely, can we stop with the convenient excuse of “I’m not sexist, I have a daughter/wife/mother”? They’re just using the women in their lives as shields, to give them carte blanche to continue treating all other women like shit.
It SHOULDN’T take a familial relationship to understand how to be a decent person. Unfortunately, it often does. :\
For a lot of guys, it does, and not automatically either. This is the world we live in.
Having a woman in the room doesn’t make having to be naked any less traumatizing. If anything it might be more traumatizing to have a bigger audience. I don’t know why you would use that as a rationale. There is nothing about performance art that requires nudity, and I would absolutely be traumatized if I were made to…
Thank you. I am a little taken aback by the number of responses here that basically equate to: “Tough luck, the syllabus is the syllabus, so suck it up and get naked in front of your professor because art.” Ummmmm, no. And it’s not OK just because there is a substitute requirement to “get emotionally naked.”*
If you knew that what was standing in the way of you and career advancement was you taking all your clothes off in front of someone in a position of power and trust, and that if you didn’t, it would put a blemish on your record and put you out a lot of money, would you do it? Or would you consider it sexual harassment?
Why are there candles? For some reason, it makes me more uncomfortable.
I know this is crazy but there was an incident with a suitemate in college. Long story short, she was bipolar, went off her meds and refused to take them again. She even tried to harm one of us. Every single one of us went to the administration informing them of her erratic behavior and requesting that she be removed…
I do know something about art and I am a performance artist and this is just ridiculous and offensive. No one should have to perform naked in a college course at any age or level. The dude is clearly a pervert who is totally getting off on this. This is absolutely unnecessary. I also happen to have taught a little,…
Nope. Best look is pleasing yourself.
pretty sure there is a sign about putting your stuff on the seats, though it may be too subtle for the above mouthbreathers to fully grasp.
that always bothered me!
yes. and minimalist, really.
It really reinforces the idea that men are most terrified of girls’ laughter.
Wait a minute.
So there are only three types of women in the world, and all three are apparently really just sluts underneath it all. Slut slut slutty sluts.
Oh that’s easy. You give this out to both the boys and the girls, but the last line of the girls’ one says “if any dude tries this on with you, use the single most powerful weapon you possess: LAUGHTER.”
Nah, I think that’s exactly what he means. A douche bag is a useless, sexist tool, and that’s exactly what this kid sounds like.
And here we see a MRA in embryo. Notice how it’s already displaying some of its bright plumage and propensity for hatred of women. Give it a few years and easier access to alcohol at an Ivy League school, and this small MRA will quickly grow into a violent, online-bully, drink-spiking, rapist.