
I already know my song was shadow-banned, so many people told me, on Apple Music, on Spotify, on Amazon Music. They wouldn’t put my song on the radio because it was too political.”

That tweet from Eric ... I think he’s found his his brother’s stash. “Viscously shadow banning”? “Hardly viable”?

I listened to just a couple lines of it last night when I got home and everyone’s right to request she not sing anything, because she sucks at it.

This seems like pretty run-of-the-mill self-serving bias that repubs have been dealing in for a loooooonnnnggggg time now. If the song was a hit (lol) she would be crowing about how she was a great singer. It’s not and it can’t be because she sucks - it’s DEEP STATE and LIBRUL CONSPIRACY TO CENSOR THE ARTS. Or

My ears! Oh god my ears!! Why would you include an actual clip of her singing?!?!

There’s a reason why my cover of, “Oh, Darling!” has six views on YouTube.

If I wanted to listen to flat, limited range nasally vocals, I’d sing in the shower.

Lara Trump always reminds of the rich housewives in my town whose husbands buy them a craft/home decor/gift store to keep them from getting bored, and who think they have exquisite taste because their equally rich girlfriends tell her so when they come over for wine o’clock Wednesdays. Ooooh! Where did you get those

Shitty people with no talent just can’t catch a break these days!

“...viscously shadow banning...”

Oh look! A Trump playing the “victim” game...what a shocking turn of events.

None of them can spell.

the Chanel pink and black cover art of her riding a horse with a bejeweled festival headband

Gotta love them viscous shadow-bans. Ooey gooey goodness!

For a bunch of whiners who constantly complain and hate the mainstream media, they sure do want the mainstream media to cover them!

I would say the high pitch whine everyone is hearing is Tom Petty’s corpse spinning in the grave (good news everyone! Alternate power source!) but he was cremated.  Damn you Tom and your small carbon footprint!

So tired of this whole family cult clan. Let’s just throw them all a lavish party on one of Putin’s cronie’s impounded superyachts, then send it to the Crimea so they can all enlist in Putin’s army and get blown up by a drone.

I do NOT want to think about any Trump being viscous.

I’m notoriously tone-deaf, but I only got four seconds through the Sky Australia clip. Whew! I think I could do better, and that’s saying a lot.

Yup, it’s because of a conspiracy against her, not because she’s a bad singer.