
Whoopi could have told her that it’s actually because of Republicans that democrats are no longer pushing for a safe gestational limit. Because if the system worked as intended, like in California or NY, you’d have a limit set at 24 weeks, with the understanding that this limit can be extended in case of medical

Over and over again we remind people that the pro-life “argument” relies wholly upon gish gallop - they throw nonsensical data about how/when they believe abortions to be performed, you point out it’s bullshit, they then shift to a different tactic.

This is why there is no engaging with ANY pro-life person, moderate

Roe was argued under the right to privacy

I suspect most of the babies murdered in the 60 or so years after they are born are killed by Republicans with guns.

God knows having to placate the moronic spiel of bullshit and self-pity at being called an idiot often must be fucking mind numbing to her spouse.  I figure the previous two jumped ship after reaching the breaking point.

Vote Blue to get a national right to abortion enshrined into law so GOP and SCOTUS can never take it away again.

Mace has long called for a nonexistent “middle ground” on abortion

The BS about babies being murdered after they’re born HAS to be addressed every time it’s brought up. It would be laughable if it weren’t so infuriating. GOP members say it in speeches, press conferences, interviews, and it never gets disputed. As for Nancy Mace-she’s about to get married for the third time-right up

Mace lied saying that Democrats approve abortion up to 9 months. Doctors don’t abort babies in third trimester. They might induce labor if baby has fatal issue or do a C section if the mother’s heatlth is in danger from carrying baby to full term. They don’t abort a health baby in the 3rd trimester. It’s just another

He’s too busy spending it on IVF and surrogates. Priorities, man.

I wanted to respond with “My money’s on [assortment of 40K faction/species names]” but unfortunately every combination I came up with sounded too plausible given everything that’s happened so far.

I figured it out! The first initials spell Texas (the last 5 kids at least):

Tau Mechanicus seems to point to 40K.

They haven’t bothered thinking that far ahead. The entertaining part about watching the Uber-rich is seeing them so focused on squeezing the life out of the lower class is that they always forget that you can only squeeze so hard before you stop getting anything and your empire falls

She seems to like these names; they apparently came up with them together.  She is a deeply strange person.

It probably was consensual, since Grimes and Musk have apparently been on and off recently.  But you never know with Musk - he has a lot of money and not every fertility clinic in the US may be entirely ethical in that situation.

Oh gawd, I hope it’s not a 40k reference. And if it is, I’m disappointed. There’s about 1,276 cooler names in 40k before you get to “Mechanicus”. I guess we can add that to sci-fi adjacent things he thinks he knows something about but doesn’t.

They earnestly believe they’re genetically superior to the rest of us, are entitled to “take control of human evolution,” and that their genes and procreation will save civilization as part of a worldview that flirts with eugenics.

Since it wasn’t in the story, and the info is out there (I found it on wikipedia so no one is doxxing anyone here), the Zilis twins are called Strider and Azure.

Musk seems to have a lot of problems he wants to fix, but seems to put hardly any of his acquired wealth into fixing any of them