
Her look is intentional though. It is not a picture taken at an importune moment which paints her in a bad light. She enthusiastically chose that presentation.

Jesus Christ. What fucking century is it???

not surprising in the least.  republicans believe a married woman is her husband’s property & he can do with her what he will.

It was 1982 before Canada abolished rape as an offence and replaced it with 3 levels of sexual assault. Prior to that, rape was an offence that 1) could only be perpetrated by a man upon a woman, 2) had to involve actual penetrative intercourse, and 3) could not be committed by a man upon his wife. The actual text

The reality is married persons did not and do not forfeit their right to bodily autonomy because they got married,’ Kasey Holderbaum of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network said, per”

If there’s one thing I know about the GOP in Ohio, it’s that they never fail to disappoint with their depravity. I’m not holding out hope on this one passing.

And Gym Jordan knew about it the whole time, didn’t say anything

Im betting Smith cheated on her, or Scientology wont approve a divorce, or maybe he is just actually a bitch.  Guy has no idea what normal life is like, what was he 14 when he won a grammy and had to sue his parents?  He has been at least a bit famous since the late 80s when he was The Fresh Prince and making songs

Give it time.  Sooner or later they will shut down all the comments boards is my guess.  This continues to be slow motion death since gawker was shot in the head by Peter POS Thiel.

I feel empathy for Jada, and also think she’s an asshole at the same time. It seems like the scenario is that she had big dreams and aspirations, then met and married someone who became an A-list star, and so she’s had to be the “first lady” so to speak. Which obviously comes with all the money and the clout, but for

Agreed. And if Jezebel turns off theirs, I’m out.

The misogyny surrounding the Jada narrative is truly EVERYWHERE. Lindy West would never; I miss her. So, lets get this straight: 2012/2013 Jada and Will say they have “loose guidelines” in response to the open marriage question. Why this question? Could it be the 20+ year open secret of Will being bisexual and having

Now that they’ve turned off the comments section The Root may as well shut down.

Look at Will’s son from before he met Jada, smiling away, and look at that pair of pretentious, pouting, clothes-horses that he had with her, and tell me you prefer the latter, I dare you.

The call is coming from inside the house.

I just imagine if one of my friends told me that, despite all appearances and everything they’d been saying, their marriage has been broken for seven years but they can’t face “actually” ending it...

“They wish some of their family’s private matters remained private,” as a tell-all book from their mother is released. Um. What?

The pre-release of Britney’s memoir (People mag on fire with excerpts today) will bump the Smith Family out of the headlines I suspect. Will they do/say something ridiculous to reclaim the top spot? Only time will tell...

Over on The Root - Candice writes her middling review about Jada’s book with the obvious propping-up of how misunderstood Jada is. 

Will credited her memoir, Worthy, for giving him a new appreciation for the life she’s lived”