
I used binder clips on the edge of my desk to do the same thing. Not as elegant looking, but cheaper.

I've been using the Monoprice earbuds for a long time. They sound fantastic, they totally block out my coworkers, and I couldn't care less if i lose them (or if the cleaning people vacuums them up which has happened once or twice).

Realistic in what way? There was no way that thing could have stood on those legs.

That's a good call. You can find dirt cheap cutting boards (that wouldn't last very long as actual cutting boards) at places like KMart.

You just described the entire populations of both Brooklyn and Portland, and surely someone in one of those places owns a device that can translate Lifehacker into some forgotten language.

Speak for yourself, not the "audience".

... have you never had mozzarella?

you KNOW there will be some offhand reference to that. There HAS to be.


I know this sounds like work, but all you gotta do is click the Advertising Age link that article references. It was written by Yusuf Mehdi.

The URL below that screenshot in the article is for that video.

Totally thought that was a taser.

They don't.

I can confirm that compared to BB it is indeed kind of poop.

There is, see: Fuck you.

I hear it occasionally in the south, but regardless, I hear it on tv all the time. It's slightly odd to have never encountered that term.

Their drawing tablets are amazing for the price. Totally comparable to a Wacom.

If anyone should know that, it's Jesus.

Bom, e a sua?

"I did'nt want to make it public.."

The grammar/punctuation in that sentence alone nullifies anything you have to say on this topic.