
Yo dawg, I heard you like windows.

Well lets see here, I’ll do exactly one single Google search and...

That was the worst music I have ever heard. It was perfect for that scene.

We’re all still very proud of you.

He has free speech, and ESPN has the freedom to fire him for not properly representing them. Guess what! Now they can both do what they want! Yay!


One day I surely will.

But will I have to sit through the first 4 middling ones to understand that 5th, mind-blowing piece of crucial cinema? Or will it TRULY stand on its own as the testament to the veracity of humanity he intends it to be? Asking for a friend.

Really? What’s so hard? “Off-gassing” is the technical term for a substance emitting fumes. It’s asking if it would do such a thing if on fire, and if those fumes would be very toxic. Not too difficult to parse.

Agree to disagree.

Thanks for the correction, Ms Fartist.

It launched with 12 maps on 4 planets.

Exactly, and “Ancient Egypt” defines a few thousand years of human life.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. My best guess is he’s transferred into a new body every few centuries?

Got it in one.

No shoulder blades, no deal.

HA, wow, I forgot all about this. I have the first 3 or 4 issues of Mad-Dog tucked away in the back of a box of comics somewhere.

“cosmic mutant Frankenstein” is the best band name I’ve never heard.

“In most apocalypses” is the name of my new favorite shoegaze band