
But aren't there multiple different "Links" existing in different times in the world of LoZ?

See that big button in the corner that says "Hide" on it?

Good... guess?


I much prefer the Richard K Morgan workaround of "Re-Sleeving" your brain's data into new bodies, either vat-grown or recently-deceased. No sub-atomic reconstruction required.

They're essentially the same thing, except the data would be stored for emergency use instead of merely transferred from place to place.

This. Is. Beautiful.


??? Very few of these things were grim and scary....

Agreed, the lighting ruins the illusion.

Ahh, gotcha.

With #12, are you saying Paranorman didn't do a good job of "winking at their genre trappings"? I thought it was a fun movie, myself.

Person of Interest is sci fi. The whole show is about preventing future-crimes with a magic computer program that watches the entire world.

Freshness Burger is people!!!!!!!!

All the same artist. You can see Eastman's signature if you closely.

Do a test. Type "feed" into a word processor and see if it gives you a red squiggly line. I'll wait.

It would probably be extremely annoying to grow up with. Painful to sit on. Uncomfortable in most off-the-rack pants.