Dr. Regina Phalange

Acne Awareness Month? Zit just got real.

Shelter Cat Update!

I could listen to Lizzo shoot the shit all day, she’s a fucking delight.


I agree whole-heartedly. I’m not saying that predatory behavior in the LGBTQ+ community doesn’t exist and shouldn’t be called out—I’ve experienced it first hand both while in relationships and just in general.

The’s a real undercurrent of “gay panic”re: JC hitting on straight/non-gay-identifying men... It reads as veiled (or not so veiled) homophobia which is distressing.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t listen to the Lawfare Blog podcast every day while perusing NatSec news because I’d drink bleach. This nonsense drama, and adjacent silliness, is keeping me balanced. 

Reading and thinking about this irrelevant nonsense is a great distraction from things that actually matter but are substantially less fun to think about/dwell on. I’m not sure of the intrinsic value of this nonsense but to me- right now- it’s gold.

I want Bob❤️Abishola to do well just because the concept of a middle class white man pursuing a black immigrant will freak out the core CBS viewership. I will enjoy their outrage. I can almost hear my husband’s step-mother now. 

Seeing Bradley Whitford age is both devastating (Josh Lyman won’t live forever) and arousing (who knew he would age so well??) and I’m 100% definitely gonna have to watch his show. It looks like Glee but without the Ryan Murphy Insanity Factor.

It’s heinous and criminal and juvenile and exactly what I’d expect from hedge fund bros. Reminds me of that adult film actress who took a bodyshaming picture of a woman at the gym and was rightfully excoriated. 

The “ARod with his phone on the toilet” headline went exactly where I thought it would go as soon as I read it.
Holy crap thats awful.  How in the hell do you take a picture of someone in the bathroom and think “This is fine.” ?

I am disappointed that this drama is starting to become more about sexuality than the fact that James Charles was sexually harassing people. The drama is starting to come off more like “straight rights!” than anything else, and that is extremely problematic. Even Tati in her video emphasized that the waiter he was

My wife and I eat a disturbing amount of chicken - partly because its cheap and relatively healthy, and partly because she’s not a huge dark meat fan and it’s something we both enjoy.

I’m not one to defend TS, especially at the expense of Beyonce, but isn’t it likely that this performance had been planned/rehearsed for months, and it was too late to change it up in the last few weeks since Homecoming was released?

Maybe marching bands are just awesome, and we can just celebrate mainstream celebs utilizing them in such high-profile ways.

Thank you for this.