
Our state’s attorney, Deirdre Daly, resigned on Friday. She has done an incredible job in Connecticut, working particularly hard to end human trafficking (particularly sex trafficking of children) and to address the opioid crisis, both here in Connecticut and throughout New England. Thankfully, her replacement served

I really think that’s a nanny. I feel like a mom wouldn’t have been so frantic about it. But I’m just guessing.

I’m amazed at the speed of the 2nd one. 35, 40 mph??

First kid comes in with Swag Level on Expert.

That was such bullshit. And Anika just gets to walk free and become part of the Lyon family after fucking killing Rhonda’s baby!!

I’m mad Rhonda never got a funeral and Dre moved on so quick. When the hell does Empire come back anyway?

Trying to portray Johansson as wanting public attention will not end well for this dude. She is one of the most private celebs I’ve ever seen.

Jokes on them! I’ll probably die from pre-existing conditions within a week, unless I’m killed by a dude with a red mohawk and/or a hockey mask.

If you wanted to take this wrong you could argue the girl is opposing the bull market.


You make an interesting point and now maybe I’m all for this.

A lot of movie theatres now do sensory friendly movies where they turn the volume down, leave the lights up, etc. as to make kids (and their parents) more comfortable in a theatre setting.

The only good I’d see this for kids that have developmental issues or on the Autism Spectrum where staying still is not always an option.

I think this is great, because it will ensure that there are less kids in the theatres without jungle gyms.

I’m a guy, and I will take down my commerce website for the day to support “A Day Without A Woman”. Think RED.

Also, like junkmail, those awful plastic clam shell containers. Ugh, humanity can do better than those.