So, can one then get a life insurance payout?
So, can one then get a life insurance payout?
Not to sound cold, however, even if this experimental treatment does not work, couldn’t the results from the treatment be used to help further research into helping others in the future? To produce such invaluable information to help others? To provide their son with a kind of legacy? To help others?
What about Ticks????? Don’t they LOVE high grass? Isn’t keeping the grass short a way to keep them at bay?
General Question-If someone has an image of Pepe the Frog on their car, can I assume anything about their ideologies?
I am in love with him on so many levels.....
So, now we have multiple people who have left off key contacts to foreign officials on their security clearance applications.
See, I am the opposite. With my shady past I never thought I could ever run for office. All that has changed now! My background now has no merit! I am now just looking for an office that I can run for! Dig up all the skeletons in my closet! We no longer have nothing to hide! Everyone! Run for Office!!!
Fuck her.
Ok, that is pretty cool. (Although I am disgusted at the same time, seeing Birds on a Plane is cool...)
They charter 747s to fly their hunting falcons to different locations for crying out loud.
Hmmm...wonder if he smuggled booze in with him....drying out might be contributing to his freaking out...
I cannot stand him. Lacks a back bone...
I have these feeling when I think about traveling on vacations. I have to take my kids to South America this summer and was thinking about seeing a Dr for an RX related to my anxiety related to travel. Do you think it would be worth it to talk to a dr? Most of my anxiety I can handle, but when it comes to medical…
Huh, can anxiety be limited to certain instances? Limited to say travel or filling out government forms (taxes, birth certificates, ect...) or is anxiety only for people on a whole?
OMG! I forgot all about them!!! that 45 is in office, is her husband going to deported for sure now? I mean, he is an out of status immigrant (a/k/a illegal alien, I HATE that term) and now a felon....with honest, hard working fathers being sent out of the country left and right I really wonder what…
Awwww. <3
“Jessie never gives up! Jessie finds away!” - We got a Combat Carl fan over here do we?