Dear Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III- if you want to understand what’s so wrong with what you did, just think about how you would feel if Hillary Clinton did it.
Dear Jefferson Beuragard Sessions III- if you want to understand what’s so wrong with what you did, just think about how you would feel if Hillary Clinton did it.
Dear Universe,
You may be conflating a quote about the First Amendment, in which he stated during the 2017 CPAC, “I love the First Amendment, nobody loves it more than me.”
I really wish he would run for something.
I know. They have overplayed their hand with Mr. Khan. He is a ivy league educated citizen of 30 years and a Gold Star member. His federal case will be a huge FUCK YOU to TrumPutin and President Bannon. It is shows a abuse of power ( and we all know it does), it can open more boxes.
Gold Star father Khizr Khan, a vocal Trump critic, was reportedly told that his traveling privileges are “under review.” [Politico]
I’d give money to a Go Fund Me for that.
Trump is Pro-Make-My-Mistresses-Quiet
An old burner got 3 rape threats for calling out mansplaining! I feel like rape and threatening to find and publish nude photos is their go to threat.
The guys who threatened Brennan and his family know that they’ve almost certainly earned themselves dishonorable discharges, right? Because while the investigation into the image swapping might not lead to more than a few token pieces of discipline, threatening a fellow armed services member for exposing criminal…
I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out…
As you say, it’s a low hanging fruit issue. Almost all of these people being picked up have prior deportation orders. Most of the time, it appears like they knew where they were, and the only thing stopping ICE from acting before was the Obama admin priorities.
This is such a great video. Everybody should be required to watch it before graduating past the 6th grade.
Fucking Judge.
Bet they don’t know how BCC works either.
I wonder if all those White House leaks are happening partly because no one there knows how the “reply all” function works.
Tangentially related, Tom Price’s seat in Georgia’s 6th district is up for grabs and I’m doing my best to help Jon Ossoff win. He has the endorsement of living legend John Lewis, and actually has a chance to flip the district.
Can’t watch the vid—does she really read a Dr. Seuss book to children and NOT SHARE THE FUCKING PICTURES?! Because if true, she should recuse herself immediately from any future child-reading photo-ops.
i usually just skim the comment section, but that was really good, matthew.