
I think it was on the last Pod Save America episode that they (w/ Anna Marie Cox) did a pretty deep dive into the parallels of trump’s sexual predation and his behavior and response to Comey. Fascinating and terrifying.

Honestly, the exact parallels between the Comey thing and his lifelong pattern of sexual harassment makes it pretty clear that Trump is a serial predator. He corners Comey alone. Comey has “a bad feeling about his character.” He whispers in his ear about how much he’s looking forward to working with him. And when

This one time, I had a boss who invited me out to lunch. When I got there, I realized I was the only invitee. He put his hand on my leg and said, “I hope we are going to have a great working relationship.”

I’m totally smiling right now. Hope that no one has forgotten. I sure haven’t.


when did we stop extreme vetting our presidents?

I have been flipping through the live streams on Facebook Live and one of the news channels brought up intelligence and wondering if the UK will tell the US Gov’t anything after Manchester.

This is one of the best comments I have ever read on Jezebel. You’re an amazing parent and my heart breaks for you.

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

There is a reason that in The Emperor’s New Clothes it is a kid that points out that the Emperor is naked. Children are very good at seeing past all the superficial bullshit that adults think is important. They can see that under the fancy suit and ten tons of self-importance, Paul Ryan is just a spineless little

Well, this is quite explanatory isn’t it? Heaven forefend they have to sell a bunch of buildings, spend time actually being landlords, and live more modestly. I remember when the hubby and I were first married, and we had $40 in cash each every week to spend for lunch, sundries, and the like. If we had any of it

Ted Lieu has been a BEAST! Love him.

But for the fact that diplomatic backchannels are never made through Russian secure communications by a newly elected President’s transition team well before inauguration.

Well that’s a bummer. One of my favorite celebrity anecdotes is one from a few years back when Ben was asked if he and Christine ever planned on renewing his vows. His response was something along the lines of, “No. We did it right the first time.”

Look, without making myself completely doxxable, I will say that this falls under my wheelhouse of expertise and as far as I can tell, the truth of the matter is that this was a truly impossible situation for Comey. “Sources and methods” may be a vague concept for most people, but the reality is that years of work and

And by “other factors” he means Rudy Giuliani. Keep watching - he’s the one who orchestrated this.

i think one of the things that angers me/shocks me/saddens me the most about trumps presidency is that if Obama had been accused of any of the daily shit we find out about trump, he would be in handcuffs and impeached immediately. yet trump supporters/republicans defend trump and basically say “nothing to see here,

He just got on a plane. CHANGE THE LOCKS!!!

Right now, the DOJ has appointed independent counsel. Had it not been for the Rosenstein issue, independent counsel might not have been considered necessary. Rosenstein did the right thing.