
Yes, that is another part of why “it’s a bit rich”. If these corporations aren’t paying their fair share, why decrease their share?!

Amazon is one of the reasons the post office still exists so he’s wrong there.

I love hearing this, because I have loved Victor Garber since Titanic and he is my only celebrity sighting (20 years ago in LAX lol) so it this is validating.

But it doesn’t work that way because kids don’t cost the same to educate. For example my daughter has an IEP and is in a special eduation classroom. It is more expensive to educate her than the average student. Currently charter schools are under no obligation to take her, nor do they have the resources so why would

Yes, because the charter schools/private schools don’t need to follow IDEA so they will not even look twice at a kid with an IEP. All those expensive kids will stay in the already struggling public schools causing an even bigger divide.

For me she is one of those characters that the show so desperately wants you to like and it’s annoying.

Yep, Owen (not matter how good he used to be) should be at the top of any list of characters that have come to a stand still and should be written off.

I understand that trust me americans love to talk heritage and I have had hundreds of conversations about it. But there is a difference between discussing heritage in an appropriate setting and claiming a nationality when you meet someone with an accent

As a non american living in an america I get asked all the time where am I from. It’s been decades but I have an accent still so I roll with it.

That’s why I love random acts of charity. There are so many families living paycheck to paycheck. And could they have bought the groceries, sure. But the breathing room not having to worry about that grocery shop creates is huge

I was nearly hosptialized because of it. I ended up with outpatient breast surgery and then went back to urgent care daily for iv antibiotics but it was rough.

I read a fact about Armageddon and it was something about the average shot in the movie is something like 2 seconds. The nest time I watched it I got very dizzy trying to pay attention to all the new shots.

Yeah, I don’t get the hate on George Clooney over this thing particularly. When I have my lottery fantasies (which isn’t often because I buy 1 to 2 tickets a year) one of the things I think about is just paying off mortagages for friends and family, or randomly gift people money or things they needed, or setting up

Believable. The royals also need to spread out the good news/pr and it is still close to Kate’s pregnancy announcement

My husband/husband’s family doesn’t. He thought I was the odd one for adding a lemon or lime to my guacamole.

I have issues with austism speaks but I do agree with you as far as public perception on autism. Asperger’s and others who are high functioning have challenges but it is frustrating that it is all lumped together. My child is in a severe/moderate special education classroom and receives therapy 4 times a week. With

I wasn’t denying more boys are diagnosed. I was questioning the reason for the phrase “light it up blue” being because there are more boys diagnosed and that is what I haven’t researched properly.

I have a daughter on the spectrum and was just told “light it up blue” is because more boys are diagnosed than girls.

I’m happy. I know she will probably be nothing like my daughter with autism, but just creating a character that can introduce the concept of autism/kids are different is great.

You can buy it on amazon already! Got our copy last week