
He cheated on his ex wife with rumour has it fellow famous chef Giada

And will it really be a month? Overcrowding, “model inmate”, they’d get her out sooner.

Yup and it wasn’t even a social situation. Sure they weren’t on camera but Billy Bush was working and on the NBC ladder far below Trump. As a host it was his job to make sure Trump was happy and talkative ready for interviews.

Re: Ross and Rachel.

Yeah, I clicked on the link and thought “good for you” despite having never seen an episode of Jersey Shore.

My kids (who are still losing teeth) only get $1. I all of a sudden feel pretty cheap. 

This is what I want to see in Disney’s live action. They need to embody the original but bring something new to the table. A well shot grounded live action Mulan will be different yet still nostalgic. It’s the first one I’m excited about.

Ha. I didn’t watch the video just went back. You’re right he just wanted the seat at the front. So that probably was closer to the seat price. I’d take the cash

$1500 doesn’t cover a business class fight to europe! At least offer what the seat cost.

I feel you. I had an emergency c section and then a scheduled on on the 2nd kid. I had plenty of non doctor people try to convince me to go for a VBAC on the second despite the fact that an attempt at a vaginal delivery on the first caused my son to spend a week in the NICU.

The best of Angel is far better than the best of Buffy.

Yep. My mother barely sweats and therefore is prone to heatstroke.

The work they do is for the crown, so all the events they go to, audiences, charity events etc. The working royals all have to do them. Charles currently does a lot as he has taken more on because of Elizabeth’s age. Anne also does a lot. William famously doesn’t do many. Here is a breakdown for 2019 so far and

But it isn’t the same culturally phenomenon outside of America that Friends is, no where close. (never heard of Full House until I moved to the US, and had people do the “What you’ve never heard of x, y or Z!” )

Americans forget that other countries may watch some american shows but also produce and create huge amounts

I’m torn. I admit I do find these type of shows fascinating. However, I can definitely see the dark side. After watching Making a Murderer and following up with the new information online, there are so many people who not only badmouth the victims family because they don’t want anything to do with the documentary but

You can. I was here on an outstanding visa. much like this situation came across as a child on my parents work visa and it expired. I later got a green card through marraige and at the time was undocumented. You have to file two different applications at the same time (fiance visa and green card)

You cannot get a green card if you are in the country improperly.

I know more athiests in our cub scout pack than believers (including me). The god portions are definitely glossed over

My daughter joined cubscouts last year as one of the first girls in the area. Her brother is in cubscouts so she was attending all the meetings/events anyway and we figured she can at least get the recognition now.

Just yesterday (or the day before, sometime this week) Kate was making pizza with kids and answering questions about whether the queen eats pizza and what her favourite toppings are.