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This is fantastic news!!!! And an excuse to post one of my favorite songs / music videos of all time!

Just because I don't fux with her musically does NOT mean I won't applaud the fuck outta this woman. This was ingenious and one of the reasons why she is ridiculously successful. Moves like this. I'm always here for #BlackExcellence

I thought he must have been high when he said that. Also this single white female (single black male?) act that he's doing with Bey and Jay has to stop.

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

I think there's a vas deferens between this purse and art.

Grayson Perry has a lot of interesting art but this might just be his most seminal work yet.

Tinsel for Algernon


This man is giving me LIFE.

I had three mice that were awesome. They would run over my shoulder and then hide in my shirt pocket and poke their little noses out. I really gained a respect for them when one of them became very ill. He went blind and then could only walk in circles. The other two would actually come over to him and sandwich

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RATS! Rats are where it's at. I love them and they are bigger and easier to hold. Abby does great rat training videos.

Mice are adorable for sure, but the really best pocket pets in the world are rats. Smart, friendly, clean and quiet. The only downside is their short, short lifespans...I can never have rats for pets again, the pair I got broke my heart when they died way, way too soon.

The elderly couple are clearly awesome, wonderful people.

Anyone who dances with old people and has no qualms with it is my hero.

I can't tell if he is gay or not. No matter, I want to marry him.


I'm sorry, but there's only one Pam who can go by one name only.

  1. While pregnant the only thing that made me sick was coffee. I live on coffee, I love it almost as much as I love my child. It was a horrible, dark and sleepy time.