Someone recently brought PMDD to my attention as I have been struggling myself with more severe depression before my period each month. So it seems.... possible?
As strange as it seems, when I was depressed, the only time I felt severely suicidal was when I was PMSing. The rest of the time, it was a thought in my mind, but it only seemed like an imperative right before my period. I had to remind myself that I was PMSing.
I got married 07-21-12, hubby is a BIG rush dork!
That's all I'M sayin'. It's not like she's wrong. And Rich talks a great deal of shit (I find it an honor that I was blocked by him on the Twitternetz. lol), so people using his "love" as proof that Gawker is here for Azealia is gawt-damb travesty.
Azelia reminds me of kanye in that, what she says might be mean, but it's the truth.
I know, right? I feel anyone I was actively fighting with who asked me to sort out our issues on a cliff would be met with a "why don't we do that while I cling to a chair in a crowded Starbucks?"
I bet he popped his gum one too many times
I love the one in the front right. He's like, aww, come on guys, let me in. Please? Just my hands? ALL RIGHT SCREW YOU I'M OUT OF — oohhh let me in let me in!
Agh, I love their little hands! Really a shame no one made a concerted effort to tame these little buggers.
They're already willing and able to crowd into small spaces, so you can't hide from them. Also, little dextrous raccoon hands mean they'll probably pick whatever lock you want to hide behind.
Charlie Hunnam's trailer, 20.9.2013:
I am so conflicted about Howard Stern. When he's good, he's very, very good. But when he's pandering to the lowest common denominator, I just roll my eyes and sigh because he has shown that he can be so much better. I understand his whole schtick, and have been listening to him for nearly 20 years, but sometimes…