Papa Van Twee

Ha! My wife is Dutch and I can confirm. Conversation on how to pronounce stuff usually goes like this:

I believe the article misstated the facts. Based on other reporting, is appears it’s a 10.5M total damages, of which Tesla owes 1% or 150K

And yet the Prius also deserves consideration. And this isn’t Michael Jordan over here, and Isaiah Thomas, or whatever “scrub” that was pretty good at basketball but bad at it compared to Jordan. Prius was arguably as good as the Tesla as it started electrification and did the hybrid thing well.

Pilot: This should be an easy one, no passengers.

Porsche Panamera E-Hybrid (because I have kids and need the space). It’s mostly to use the bulk of the money in something my wife wouldn’t mind driving.

I’m usually good at cleaning glasses. I do carry a microfiber cloth. One day at an outing a kid saw me cleaning my glasses and asked if I could clean hers. I looked... and it was almost like it had dried on cola bubbles on top of a dirt/grime I could not budge without water or a cleaning solution. I directed her to

I did find this “place” with these “people” that used to work here. It seems like a better place free from Kinja, slideshows, and stupid videos. I think I’ll visit that place more often.

Here’s my strong opinion.  THIS SUCKS!  That is all.

One of my favorite Twitch/YouTubers uses that phrase in reference to the F620 in GTA V:

I had that when they changed the plane. Not the plane type, but from one 777 to another. 

That’s what I meant.  I could have worded it better. Rosewood would never drive a K car.

While it’s hard to beat the Vega, Chevy was trying to do just that with the Chevette:

What’s worse is no apology or anything has been issued by American, with the typical PR statement of “We are concerned by the experience our customer is reporting. A member of our team has reached out to discuss their travel.”

“This Hyundai sure rides smooth, and the stereo is banging!” Or something like that.

The “banana in a tailpipe” car was also a K car. Undercover/detective work in the 80s must have sucked.

Knight Rider 2010... WHY!?!?!?!

An update... they do treat them before running them, but it looks like these are the tires:

The only way to stop a bad person with a Jeep, is a good person with a Jeep.

Goodyear G399a LHS. Basically long haul semi tires:

Now playing

The TitS does a One Hit Wonderland, you know you’ve made it: