The NFL is for people who want to feel like every game is an event full of commercials and analysts calling each other “Coach!”.
The NFL is for people who want to feel like every game is an event full of commercials and analysts calling each other “Coach!”.
yep, Patagonia, et al.
also, “torches”
Exactly. I’ve had real Mexican food in Mexico (superb) and “real” Mexican food in America doesn’t exist...SO WHY NOT TACO BELL??!?
That sucks and having been through the same thing elsewhere I’m sure you have no desire to ever go back.
Christian with political power.
nah...America and all that.
in a somewhat related note, the Taco Bell near me has become amazing.
if you can’t get ‘em while they’re young and impressionable, you GOTS TA BRING THE FLAIR! otherwise who would believe in a blond Jew zombie who turns water to wine and rides with the highest clouds...err...I mean otherwise who would believe in the power of crystals (THAT’S CRAZY)?
NO! The answer is I ALWAYS choose Ann over Matt!
you could say that about every state...disregard the person who runs the state and the majority who voted for him/her AND IT’S GREAT HERE!!!
I dunno, she shows up to Maher’s show a lot, surprisingly.
i’m so confused
I tell this story all the time because I was so gobsmacked when it happened...taking Intro to Oceanography one summer, which doubled as a class that Education majors could take (science elective for them, I assume). The first class was each of us walking up to the white board (which had a drawing of the world on it)…
I said that so not only could she keep the job, but also turn the tables on all the religious liberty people.
take your own advice, person on the internet.
yes, I’ve agreed with the other 18 people who’ve said this.
I assumed people would infer that my single experience was purely anecdotal...never assume on the interwebs.
I can’t at work...what’d I miss?
seems you missed the part where I offered my suggestion for her reason to keep her hair and the new job. But, OK.