Adam Michael Jones

testing code is wrong.

"Books. People never really stop loving books. Fifty-first century. By now you've got holovids, direct-to-brain downloads, fiction mist. But you need the smell. The smell of books, Donna. Deep breath!" ~The Doctor

The Doctor prefers the real stuff, and so do I, so I guess thats the end of the argument.

And both Nadia (Gilligan's islands eps notwithstanding) and Gunbuster were both still more enjoyable than Eva

A decent compromise might be had by decluttering by organizing, rather than getting rid of, old things. Having an organized drawer full of older charging cables and leftover screws is better looking than tossing all that stuff in a basket on your desk, and will be largely out of sight until needed. If you want to hang

I could totally see my cat (or my own wayward hand) tipping over a glass of water right into the top of that thing. Great way to burn several thousand dollars.

That's a plus for those of us that wear contact lenses. Chopped onions have no effect on us.

Goggles. Any variety, so long as they form a tight seal around your face and don't have vents. A must for those of us who are hyper-sensitive to onions. Yeah, you'll look like a tool, but it's better than hours of burning eyes, rivers of tears, and a runny nose.

Here is an email sent to Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune after an
article he published concerning a name change for the Washington Redskins.

Dear Mr. Page:
I always love your articles. and I generally agree with them. I would
suggest, as in an email I received, they change the name to the
"Foreskins" to better

Vote: VLC

Vote: VLC

Vote: VLC
Why: so far it opens everything I throw at it. (Period)

If you're a privacy nut, you don't want anyone tracking your location AND you have more than one device/phone.. enable it on all of them and leave them at home/work/etc. It will confuse the tracking and no one looking at your data can ever really be sure where you are.