Adam Michael Jones

And, EVEN if you eat more vegetables.. you still need to cut out the processed foods and sodium (limited to around 3k-mg/day is ideal). You can have all the vegetables in the world, and pour on the cheese sauce and high calorie salad dressings and still be just as bad as your average McDonald goer.

The only problem with that thinking is, Microsoft knows a community like Minecraft is like a house of cards. It's going to fall apart as soon as the kids outgrow it and things change.

But the concept and design of Minecraft is simple and generic enough that MS can wholesale copy and sell their own version. If the rumors are true I think it's more or less a talent acquisition.

68 degrees is a bit chilly. I don't even keep my AC on that low during the summer, and I prefer less blanket whenever possible.

This is hiding serious power?

In my experience, if you have enough room to flip it around like that.. you have more than enough space to tie it down.

Doesn't work. If I set it to after it's supposed to be done, it'll be too late.

Because she doesn't remember anything from that, and that she was kind of in love with Matt Smith's doctor. In a way they were boyfriend/girlfriends.

I think this scene was foreshadowing what's yet to come.

I regularly put my iPhone/iPad onto my TV. You can use a HDMI output adapter, or AppleTV to toss content onto the big screen. I do this at times to share a website I'm looking at, or to play a game of Angry Birds together with my kids, or share a YouTube video or a song with my family, friends, etc in a more relaxed

In the 80's, PCs were more or less closed devices to the consumer.

After following all of those steps, you have a bona fide clean office!

Has the site been lifehacker'd?

1984 soon begins!

Devil's advocate: He's calm and behaves concerned for her well being because he knows he's filming this. Would he be as concerned if he wasn't filming this himself?

pronounced "Too-mah".

"Developers developers developers developers"

So life hack = spend more money "solving" your lack of steam iron to iron your clothes with?