Adam Michael Jones

If your pots are anything like mine, it's probably charred from the flame/electric contacts. Rubbing that on your clothes... no thanks. Walmart sells an basic iron for $8 or so:…

Some of these lifehacks are quite the sanitation nightmare...

Don't forget Gunbuster!

Given that you never have to reboot or turn it off, it's not so bad.

+1 for OCD. I noticed the same thing and cringed.

I wouldn't want to be the poor sap who spills his coffee on the desk.

"the loveliest trick of the Devil is to persuade you that he does not exist!" — In Microsoft's case, the loveliest trick of MS is to trick businesses into believing they need Office to function.

The problem with racism is racism. Racism is self-perpetuating. While it's good to expose awareness to racial issues, harping on things like THIS is exactly what keeps it alive and well.

Not to mention, faster loading time, cloud storage, and for most functions- Apple's Office suite (OSX), Google Drive or even Office 365 is faster, quicker and simpler. When you want to start doing pivot tables, I guess you'd want to use Excel.. but how often do most consumers do that?

My tip for banishing the ALL CAPS Ribbon label?

"If you take bargain clothing finds home and neglect to treat them with care, you'll likely have to replace them again in no time flat." Huh?

If you aren't rotating the devices out, or turning the GPS off on the one you are actively using, then obviously yes. My point is sometimes the best way to achieve privacy is to generate additional noise.

Exactly. It's just a figure of speech. The odds of getting a pardon is better than actually winning- all things considering.

If you're a privacy nut, you don't want anyone tracking your location AND you have more than one device/phone.. enable it on all of them and leave them at home/work/etc. It will confuse the tracking and no one looking at your data can ever really be sure where you are.

It probably would have been phrased better as: "You have a better chance of getting a last-minute pardon on death row than you do winning the lottery."

Ratios ARE recipes...

But that shows/hides tab bar. :)

Got a MBP Retina 2012, Macbook Air 2011, Macbook Pro 2010, and a Mac Pro 2008- all running Mavericks, all getting memory, speed, and where applicable, battery life improvements.

Honestly, it's all in your head. I have an iPhone and I only use it when I absolutely need to, or when a call comes in. It's essentially paperweight otherwise, but during those rare moments when I truly need to use these apps - I will... and have no qualms doing so.