
That's sad to hear. I would play it if it were like GW2. Just pay for it and it's yours, that's how it should be. But no, you pay for ostensibly nothing (the right to download the game?), and then you have to pay to have access to it for a temporary time.

Its not free but it will work on a Mac.. as long as you do the intelligent thing and install Windows. Who am I kidding. You bought a Mac and expect to game on it...

I've no idea what you're smoking or what you're talking about.

Again, you can change the way the combat works in the options menu, or go even more crazy with addons. You can make it exactly like TERA actually.

Agreed. Needs more brown to attract serious adults. Less whimsical animations would also help create the dour atmosphere discerning adults demand.

Nor clever. She just comes off as extremely butthurt. Is she trolling us?

This... wasn't funny.

I think the porn stigma comes, in part, from the notion that sex is bad and people who enjoy it or are not ashamed if enjoying it are also bad. Like shame about sex is natural.

It's not a myth. People who come from broken homes or have underlying substance-abuse issues or mental-health problems are more likely to do sex work.

"I am the one that checks tickets"?


Revan. The latest rumored title was "The Ancient Fear", right?

Because we deserve to know if he managed to rescue the ice cream maker.

"Actively critical" as in you went around and found people to criticize for light reading for fun? I find that rather odd and unnecessary. Why bother?

I'm really sorry you had no joy in your life in regards to Harry Potter. I read the first book when I was 9, grew up with the characters, and at 25, I still actively love the series and can talk about it (and what it taught me and the non-canon aspects of the story) for hours. I bonded with friends in high school over

I am by no means a Harry Potter fan (I was actively critical of my then high school and college peers for wasting their reading level on books written for children), but the only difference between 're-tweet' and 'retweet' is that the latter accepts the coinage of a word that previously was not English, and the former