
I feel terrible for those meat-eater people because there is nowhere else in NYC to get a meat-based meal.

You're missing the point. This is about how Nintendo decides to remove an essential peripheral under the ridiculous assumption that every single person in the region has one of them. Their excuse is obviously bull and is nothing short of pathetic and deceptive.

It is if you sell millions of them.

The Clone Wars trumps the Prequels in both story and lightsaber fights though!

Matt. Damon.

To be fair, the "scenery porn" was likely an attempt to be as true to the spirit of Tolkien's travelogue as possible.

Hmm. Well, maybe the fifty-film epic of The Silmarillion will be better.

How is this not Number One?? HOW???

Now playing

It's got everything! Action, adventure, romance, necrophilia! It wrapped up the '80s like no other movie could.


Does the rocket launch at the end make this one count as science fiction/fantasy?

Nothing more needs to be said.

This doesn't beat all the great ones that've already been posted, but have to add this to the mix! (And it also happens to be, for me at least, the most internally consistently logical time travel movie I'm aware of!)

My vote goes to the action hero we deserve:

Raiders of the Lost Ark

And it still holds up today. Who doesn't get a silly grin and burst out singing "Twist and Shout" when the parade scene comes on?

We're done here...

Real Genius: