The prequel trilogy titles also paralleled the original titles...
I call bunk on this title. Someone pointed out to me that "An Ancient Fear" is just switching out the words "A New Hope" for their exact opposites. Too on the nose. I know JJ is going for the tone of the originals, but that's just kind of lazy.
Star Wars: 100% Anakin Free
Star Wars: It Could Have Been Michael Bay
Star Wars: Episode VII- We Know Nothing We Do Will Make You Happy, So Fuck It.
Star Wars: We Have a Bad Feeling About This Too.
Star Wars VII: We hated Phantom Menace too.
Really, can't we just submit the scripts of all 3 prequels for this topic?
I refuse to acknowledge the last airbender as a legitimate movie
"Only the Sith deal in absolutes."
X-Men: "Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"
I haven't read the book, but I read the synopsis:
Willfully mispronouncing Beyonce's name like that is SUCH a microaggression (well probably not so micro). Basically he's saying that he will identify her as he pleases, in the context of a guy who understand French inflections but will not accept a different interpretation of the sound in reflection of her own…
We're all in agreement that the Beyonce critiques are just a proxy attack on Obama, right?
Max von Sydow is a Sith, that's obvious. Because you don't cast Max von Sydow and NOT have him be a bad guy in robes.
I'm pretty sure this is Johnny Knoxville in a body suit and make up.
You have a good point. I never know whether Rudyard should have two syllables or three.
maybe hipsters are unfamiliar with comedy, but comedy is based on the comparison or contrast between two ideas that creates a friction or cognitive dissonance that our brains recognize as funny. Here, Rivers is comparing living in her daughter's lavish guest room to the hellish conditions of The cleveland kidnapping…
But the joke wasn't at the expense of the victims. It was a self-depricating joke about her living conditions. Her living conditions were so terrible, that they were like those of the victims. You can say it wasn't funny, but to say that her attempt at a joke trivializes the plight of the victims is just stupid. The…