
Taking care of your children financially is not the same as breast-feeding. Your example is hard for me to honestly consider because it assumes divorce and a lazy husband - lazy being implied by not willing to get a job. I think that's an unfair comparison to breast-feeding because if I'm unwilling to breast-feed

I also wouldn't be willing to accept a man that says "I want to physically force you to give up your bodily autonomy because I think it's a better idea, despite all the reasons you don't want to."

You can voice your opinion, but there really isn't a discussion. Whether not I am going to breast-feed is entirely my decision. Your opinion should be "the baby should be fed". But as the one with the breasts making milk, I get to decide whether or not I want to spend my time with the child latched onto me. I

You have your say when you walk to the kitchen and get her a sammich!

Listening is part of a conversation, which I think a lot of very well intentioned people forget.

"it's not about the woman either. It's about the baby"

Yes, anytime a man lends support or wants to be involved in the conversation it's just a way to make it about us.

Yeah, that was a weirdly racially coded remark for something that almost immediately followed an injunction not to make racially coded remarks.

Right? Dude has always been a little nuts. Who cares? His whole family is that way. I read a story about his Mom being proud that her husband died while they were making love. His brother named his kid Miller Lyte. They are just who they are, so no hate.

"If Richard Sherman can see through it..."

I was ok with his Oscar speech.
He's been dismissed by critics and "serious film people" for so long he deserves a bit of crowing now, I think.

His clothes look like LL Bean, but only for skinny people.

See Religion

My parents did spankings, but I handled those much better than I did the yelling. I'm not saying that that shit can't be traumatic, but in my case, my father's anger and my mother's condescension left deeper psychological wounds than the spankings did (which I eventually grew numb to).

I will be keeping an eye on this story..

Because gay white men are still white men.

White people think we are an accessory, to be used as needed and/or otherwise dismissed.

There seems to be a special flavor of racial deafness among white guys who happen to be gay. I think the idea starts with the fact that they've caught shit for being gay and should thus be in solidarity with people who also have caught shit for being who they are, but some people skip the step about actually learning

"Inside every gay man is a fierce black woman!"

Definitely read that girl's name as whitey