Goldshire. Always Goldshire.
So MacCallum makes...zero dollars?
Tyson. Put him in the ring with Tyson. And when it's over, Zinmerman will be purple.
Wait, what are you doing the rest of the time?
Yep. They need their servants and soldiers.
Immigrants. Duh!
I'm pretty sure it would be impossible to orgasm while thinking in any way about Rand Paul.
And I think the rich should pay their taxes, but that just me crazytalkin'.
Of course unmarried poor males do not contribute to the problem at all.
You know what Rand Paul? I am gonna have some extra sex this week just for you. And every time I come I am going to shout how much I love living in a welfare state. Who's with me?
But if the unwashed masses stop breeding who will serve the rich?
Yeah we do the same thing with her now. She has a pretty good hunger cue (smacks her lips which is hilarious) so it's easy to tell when she needs to eat. We're still breastfeeding every 3-4 hrs (before and after sleep/nap) with solid foods in between.
Oh my gosh—it's almost like those children remain in the same environment from birth to high school and their nutritional and fitness habits begin to take shape early in life...
Tastes like Palestinian tears, if you're into that sort of thing.
Charity seeking a solution to world poverty or machine that makes soda?
Jesus, Johansson, you go the other way; you stay with Oxfam and dump the company riding the coattails of an occupation force.
Let's assume this fetus were viable. And then it would be born with a ton of special needs and health problems and likely need care 24/7.
This entire thing is just disgusting, and sad, and horrible, and all I wish is for peace for this family. This is the opposite of giving them peace. Shame on anyone who thinks this is okay and shame on the legislators who made this law in the first place. How anyone can see this as anything other than a woman being…