
For the record, I always have Level 5 orgasms.

I'm an old. I've had a FB account since 2007 - long before my daughter opened hers. I use my page mostly as a political and social action site. I've learned not to allow people to post content on my page. I use it along with my Twitter account and my blog - all of which share similar content.

And they've turned Facebook into a conservative wasteland too.

My grandparents are all dead. Maybe you should check your grandparent privilege.

She's better than Olivia Munn ever was.

Hate language towards women is just as bad as hate language towards African Americans or other racial groups. You might as well go around defending the use of kike or chink. And saying it's only aimed at some women is like saying you're only against the uppity negroes.

If you use the phrase "Feminazi", then you almost assuredly have a pretty skewed perspective on what on what constitutes "radical feminism" and "feminism as intended".

I think you misunderstand the "Nice Guy™" term that's popular in feminist discussions. "Nice Guy™" (often capitalized with a trademark symbol) is typically used to describe a bitter, unassertive hetero guy who thinks his lack of romantic encounters is because women are only attracted to swaggering macho jerks. It's

Yeah, sure. Why not. quit comparing things to nazi's. Nothing bothers me more than trivializing holocausts

Does it? I have no idea what he is talking about when he says "people support feminazi craziness instead of awesome ideas like this." I don't remember anyone supporting a game that is "radically" feminist. I've never even heard of a game in development along those lines. So I'm not optimistic about the intent.

we understand it, but nazis killed 6 million people. feminism never has, even radical feminism. its shitty to call some one a nazi.

I had always wondered what the "I'm not racist BUT" of misogyny was going to look like.

equating Feminism to Nazism says otherwise

I call shenanigans. Neither of these women look a thing like me!

Takeaway: WHITE.

This is hilarious. Its also really funny to see some of the commenters be SO OFFENDED by a small gesture that this girl probably did on a whim, after having to oh and aw over engagement rings all night.

You said it, but you still managed to project an entire type on her in the photograph. "I know a lot like her" is a simple rhetorical move that sets up a comparison.

Wow, you need new friends.

I want to buy her a drink.

1) "Whipping boy" - are you fucking kidding me???