
Or, in this case, Trump Tower.

Eh, Josh Weinstein's always been the first in line to pat himself on the back for his Simpsons tenure.

Between this and Annie Clark's "New York" we're going to get some thinkpieces about female singers saying "motherfucker".

That's a goofy place to have a tattoo. Does that part of your hand even have a name?

It's only July and our brains are melty from the summer heat.

This is some struggling sculptor's 15 minutes of fame.

Tommy Wiseau as the Deep Throat-type doing all the White House leaks.

You'd prefer they cast a white guy as Carson? Perhaps in some sort of skin-darkening makeup?

A British lumberjack? I think I once heard a song about that.

How does the news keep up with him like that?

…or that he wants to stay in the news headlines.

Oh yeah, them Tarheels'll do some damage on ya.

Political ambitions, North Carolina, you do the math.

"A portion of my dark energy was used to ensure that the ham & cheese sandwiches were a little on the dry side! Ah-hah-hah-hah!"

I believe DeLonge quit the band and this guy replaced.

It's a signal to the Russian agents. Hence your commenting on it.

I used to live on Gerard Way. It was when I had that rental on Pickard.

He has a real hobo-clown quality with the ruddiness and five-o-clock shadow.

Fried catfish is a hard thing to screw up, but when they really get it right…