
Yes they ordered a sex doll as a replacement to cast member. It’s a tacky stunt. Upon first seeing it, there was a bit of humor. I wont discount the misogyny you bring up, however i think at the beginning it wasn’t anything but gag on the others. HOWEVER, it has turned into something extremely disgusting and it

My favorite is when someone brings in a picture of a icy platinum blonde color, and they have grocery store black box die on their head. Then they claim they are on a “Budget” and can’t spend more than $100.
There’s a special hell for these people.

That we are not gosh darn magicians! If your hair length is the thickness of a quarter do not expect me to be able to make you a high top like Kid from Kid n Play.

This sounds...Really familiar. Thank you for sharing your experience.

................I always knew you would be.....................

..............well, they’ve updated the traditional 3 press appearances (birth/marriage/death).................................I’ll start us off:

.................because we gay Dudes know how to Swan.......................masculinely, of course.........................

I suppose it’s more interesting to flaunt your bump, than to “walk while pregnant”.

Counterpoint: some instaceleb/reality whatever those almost celebrities do in fact flaunt, but that’s simply because it’s all they have to say. Applicable to any gender.

Jezebel USED to make fun of this type of writing about women - Lindy did it all the time and I loved it. I want to assume that bobby’s wording is a joke, but it’s getting hard to tell anymore*...especially because the linked article does not use the word flaunt

Valley, just a quick note to say thank you and also maybe I love you. I didn’t know that Bobby had a podcast. I have just subscribed and look forward to spending entirely too much time listening to the backlog in the next few weeks. 

Gossip bloggers haven’t paid for the full version of their thesaurus app.

Having listened to Bobby’s wonderful podcast extensively, I can promise you he was using flaunting in an ironic manner.

Right? Unless she had a sign around her neck with an arrow pointing at her stomach and “REAL BABY NOT FOOD BABY” on it, she was just being a woman outside who happened to also be pregnant.

I’m oddly okay with Jon Hamm doing this flaunting.

Yeah, I’m trying to imagine what she could do to flaunt her baby bump. Maybe wear a shirt with a big target symbol over her belly? Maybe wave her arms around it like she’s a model on The Price is Right?

I would argue that Jon Hamm likes to flaunt his big ol’ D. But maybe he’s actually just flaunting his disdain for underwear? #flauntgate

Listen, I flaunt my New York Yankees gear at every chance, and I’m a dude. We can flaunt too!! :D

Yep, only us hussies flaunt

Can you imagine living like Taylor Swift?