
Didn’t her company go bankrupt? I bet she didn’t see that coming!

also, EVERYONE is banned from saying “fam”

I remember her, she was one of Rudy’s friends in what will forever be known as “The Lance and Charmaine era”.

The top photo is so incredibly powerful.

Amazing! She never stops hollering even as they knock her to the ground.

The photograph at the end of this article is incredible and I hope it wins awards.

I’m putting a crisp tenner on the table, by next week, we’ll hear from at least one or more women who’ll have a story about their “interactions” with this poor excuse for a human-person...

I always get pissed off about these types of motivational speakers that view any type of externalization of blame as “victimhood” or “blaming others.” It always reads, to me, like what they’re trying to do is guilt you and make you dislike yourself so that you’ll buy their next book/attend their next seminar on how to

Toddlers and drunk people are 100% interchangeable.

So true!!!

As always, I must quote Bette Midler in First Wives Club: “What’s in ‘em - wax??”


The lips on all the girls faces! It’s like they are trying to look like sex dolls. Unsettling is right.

Carrie Underwood posted a picture of herself, her first since she suffered a falling accident in November that caused her to get more than 40 stitches in her face.

I follow and donate to an animal rescue just so I can look at pictures of its donkeys and mini-donkeys. Highly underrated animals.

Let’s just say that compared to Jared Leto, Jordan Catalano is a knight in shining armor...

Never forget:

On the one hand, I am a Missourian who just penciled in “beat up Jared Leto,” so I can’t really criticize your instincts. But I suspect a truck stop on I-70 is where Leto’s big mouth would be most welcome.

He wanted to abort her, so....