Fuck the misogyny that created this sham of a male. Fuck the pulpy at-right edgelording neckbeard bitches on the rings of this fucking cultural splash.
Fuck the misogyny that created this sham of a male. Fuck the pulpy at-right edgelording neckbeard bitches on the rings of this fucking cultural splash.
A solid hour of thoughts and prayers, then call 911 to get professionals with their expertise to help him out.
Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.
Chris Brown still has a career somehow, are you surprised?
XXXTentacion is a “changed man”
They say you’ve gotta separate the art from the artist and all that shit, but this guy beat the fuck out of a pregnant woman and he’s on top of the Billboard charts?
I’d be like, “This isn’t the time to talk about action! Stop exploiting these victims with your agenda of resuscitating them! Thoughts and prayers!”
Hmmm....dunno...maybe start with the Heimlich maneuver first....THEN try CPR for awhile....oh...damn...didn’t make it. Welp. Thoughts and prayers.
I gotta go along with retired Supreme Court Justice Stevens. The 2nd amendment was written and implemented into law hundreds of years ago and is no longer relevant. Instead, the NRA has made it into something that it was never meant to be. Time to amend. These poor kids. They are the bravest young adults I have ever…
I’m pretty sure that screenshot is all of us.
If Rick Santorum was ever shot, I truly hope someone performs CPR on him.
It’s totally his fault.
How is a human being that stupid? Did his parents teach him that death just means the person forgot how to breathe or something?
That screenshot is EVERYTHING.
I personally think her breakdown was tied to her sister’s baby. Also, Dan Schneider got fired today. Wait — oh, well, don’t know why I thought of that.
Hundreds of thousands, I’d say.
At the bottom of an active volcano. Get going.
When people wonder why no one reports on men like Nassar, it’s because men like Strampel get to watch the videos of assaults. Abuse in institutions is institutionalized.
I realize that you’ve written a post about Sean Penn, but why is the top photo of a catcher’s mitt filled with hepatitis?
Well this took a hard turn..