
Kevin Hart channeling Ruby Rhod.

this one’s better.

I wonder if she thinks there’s more demand for another movie because she’s asked endlessly about it. I also wonder if she’s asked endlessly about it because that’s the most interesting to talk to her about.

I firmly believe that he is not likely getting the kind of support he needs to work through his mental health issues. I don’t think the Kardashians are the best people to surround yourself with if you need mental supports.


one is a stabby weapon think paper spike, one is a slicey weapon think, homemade razor blade made by wrapping plastic wrap around a toothbrush head, melting it with a lighter then sharpening it on the concrete floor.

I believe ‘shank’ is synonymous with ‘shiv’ in meaning “homemade knife”. Both are nouns that have been verbed.

“Little Velcro sneakers” are you kidding me!? I need this kind of pure sweetness in my life.

Or a blast from the hair dryer - that will melt the smear away.

You will not get alzheimer’s from deodorant. Please do not believe the malarky out there about this.

You will not get cancer from deodorant. That is a very stupid, yet effective, myth.

lol have you ever tried to train a cat?

Seriously, as much emotional support as my cats provide, I would never fly with them because it would actually be a lot of added stress. Most cats hate confinement - mine certainly do - so they would yowl the whole time and quite possibly shit and piss themselves in fear. No

Joke is on the airlines, I carry billions of emotional support bacterial organisms with me on every flight.

That photo makes me want to brush his teeth for him..

OK. What’s your natural antiperspirant that you “swear by?” I promise, I’m only sarcastically mocking you because I’ve outsweat and outstank every natural deodorant out there, and I really really don’t want to get lymphatic cancer by rubbing aluminum on my pits. I’ve tried SO MANY things....seriously. SO MANY.

Now I know just how much I hate my job and my life, apparently, because I watched almost that entire video of that girl going through her skincare routine. My main takeaway: what kind of fucking monster puts their deodorant on after getting dressed?!?

Rose McGowan was on The View today and said one of the most powerful things about rape victims in the most powerful way I’ve heard it voiced “The only perfect rape victim is a dead one and that’s a fact.” One of the reasons no one believed me or gave a shit because I wasn’t “acting” like a rape victim “should” act.

And near a little league field no less...

But he still did it in a public place so he could traumatize more people.