
I keep a red scrunchie in a drawer in case there is ever a question about who is in charge ;)

Is it wrong of me that I’m waiting for the next breaking celebrity headline to be that one of them is a crackhead or serial cheater? I just love seeing Christian couples implode. I’m sick, I know.

Yeah that’s a good point. That’s why I tend to think in terms of what I think my expenses might be, especially when you consider something like health care costs.

What the hell is up with Khloe’s talons? I’ll never understand why some women want fingernails that long.

Love can do wondrous things. A lot can happen in those twenty-seven seconds.

Totally. When he bought her (and let’s not debate this - he bought her and she was WAY low balled without a public service clause to get escalated payments), he said “this is how you sign - just go up and down, up and down, then stop when you think you have all the letters”.

At this point I suspect she’s actually a Westworld robot or a LMD or a Stepford Wife without the dexterity to sign her name.

This list is wrong because it does not contain Maxine Waters so I’m gonna go ahead and reclaim my time.

I nominate all the women who come here or at The Root or at Splinter and write about their awful experiences, call it abuse, harassment, rape, etc.

The ANTM season with Rita Ora was the first one I’ve watched from first episode to last in years and I’m truly sad Tyra is taking it back. I appreciated that she was influential in the show, but not the host. I didn’t know who Ora was before the season, and now I like her a lot.

Buckle up, buckaroo!

Then don’t click on taylor stories. Jez has hated taylor for years and it’s not going to change.

I had a good year too. My first real vacation that wasn’t just going to my mom’s house, my job is good, and I got divorced from The Asshole.

I think I figured out why Time labeling Taylor Swift as one of the whistle blowers is so goddamn annoying.

Play “Sweet Home Alabama” over and over again in their face.

Agreed! He has a great smile and should shut his butt mouth. But only metaphorically. Keep flashing those pearly whites.

Right? Matt, baby, listen: no one will think you’re pretty if you don’t shut up. Just stop talking, there. And smile! You’re so much nicer-looking when you smile. /ugh

this dude looks like a fake Onion article about 2017 rappers

I almost resent this more than denials. He talked over them to make himself the “good guy.”

I hate that he took away their power once again. Dick move by a dick. Fuck him.