
I’m fully convinced that:

it’s “effects” Madison.

If you didn’t already know that bullying is bad, you’re a fucking idiot. I was going to use a euphemism, but no: you’re fucking dumb as a stump if you don’t know that bullying is not good

“Why wouldn’t she have told this story at the time...”

We’ll never know because the sue-at-the-drop-of-a-hat Trump won’t sue any of them for fear of his bluff being called.

How many letters? They can’t just leave us hanging!

So, you haven’t tried an Android product for the past 5+ years? Android phones have improved pretty drastically over that period of time.

She’s essentially a real live Zoolander character.

I am so waiting for him to go down, let it happen.

Please let Dan Schneider be next. I hope it’s like rats on a sinking ship and they all turn on each other.

Please, please for the love of brie and a fine wine, no one bring out Jorni. This commenter has multiple burners that star and respond to their posts in an effort to try and bait an approved commenter to ungrey them. Then they go to all hell.

It’s hard to keep up with them...

I was enraged when I watched that. He was no threat! That turd couldn’t have him lay down and have the other officer cuff him? He had to make him crawl? What a power-tripping asshole piece of shit.

Worst game of Simon Says ever.

I don’t understand how that was possible.

Jesus, that poor man.

Ugh, why don’t these officers have more deescalation training? That situation is so preventable.

I saw this just a few minutes ago and it made me ill. This is the country we live in. Where a cop tells a man to crawl to him instead of walking down the hall and cuffing him. He was on a power trip and wanted to pull the trigger. He wanted to kill. Fuck him, and fuck the jurors.

I’m ashamed of my fellow Arizonans. I’m totally getting on the jury the next time I’m called in.