wicking is the best. i wear them under skirts in Florida and never feel the least bit sweaty. i use a wheelchair too and sitting in the heat can get sticky. Sometimes I notice that my skirts feel dampish, but my skimmies feel dry next to my skin.
wicking is the best. i wear them under skirts in Florida and never feel the least bit sweaty. i use a wheelchair too and sitting in the heat can get sticky. Sometimes I notice that my skirts feel dampish, but my skimmies feel dry next to my skin.
if there’s an outlet mall near you, i just got like four pairs for $11 each.
yes, but like a slip does, rather than like spanx. I mean, you look smoother but you can breathe.
Skimmies are the very very best. You don’t feel all trussed like a turkey.
they might be worth a shot. I want something between spanx and loosey goosey.... I don’t want to break a sweat putting them on, but I want a little smoothing action. I’m big too, and self conscious about the bumps.
Hahaha!! So true about Dallas!!
that’s what he said
That’s awesome! I want a cat hole!
That is what Amazon Prime Now is for
olivia i just ordered spicy cheetos from amazon to my home
For me this bit never gets old....hangs head in shame.
I do the same thing. One day I may frame them all. I usually wrap them in clear packing tape to preserve the details and I keep them stashed away. The only thing that sucks is ticketing companies have been progressively increasing shipping fees but I’ll pay it to have a real ticket.
Those of us trying to watch the show will not miss you, I can assure you of that. Catch the dvd and text your bae from the couch if you really need to.
We started doing this crazy, crazy thing. We keep a ticket journal. We just tape/paste/staple our concert/flight/museum tickets, restaurant bills, etc, into a regular lined journal, the cheap kind, and have an instant log of the stuff we’ve done because we forget. It’s so retro that it’s future.
Do it. I might miss being able to take a picture here and there but so be it. It’s getting ridiculous. And to the person that said that last quote: no, you asshat, if you can’t be separated from your phone, you can just listen to the album from your room with your damn Beats by Dre.
Wow, this story is officially too white for me, and people need sunglasses when the light hits my skin.
Have you read about his dad? I’m a total stranger and I’m slightly disturbed by that guy.
I’m gonna shoot up this night club, but first, let me take a selfie.
Ouf, this does not bode well for the Doctor Who-themed pub a couple blocks away.