
Because we like it?

I want to add that for me, it was about confidence. I thought long hair == feminine when I was younger, and that I couldn’t pull off short hair without looking like a dude. Now I see that pixie cuts are DOPE and women that rock them look amazing. I also realized that looking feminine all the time isn’t important to

Total Pillow. I have had this thing for YEARS and I will not travel without it. It’s as supportive as a neck brace. I never have any neck pain after using it and I can loop it through the strap on my carry-on so it doesn’t count as an extra piece. Plus, I totally saw it on TV.

Total Pillow. I have had this thing for YEARS and I will not travel without it. It’s as supportive as a neck brace.

But but but it was a “wafer thin mint” of a rape. Hardly worth getting upset about! She didn’t even feel it! Fair game no backsies!

I had the joy of meeting Mr. Simmons in 2012. He was doing something at the offices I worked at and he stopped at each person’s desk and asked for a hug. He was intermittently laughing and crying. I don’t think anyone got any work done after he visited because we were all riding high off of it.

Kara, lovey, there are 310 million Twitter users. Do we really need to see a daily Yoko and RiffRaff post?

We weren’t particularly compatible sleepers to start with. We’re still physically intimate, we just don’t sleep together afterwards. So I would say the impact was pretty negligible.

if you’re an amateur, sure.

I mean, go feminism and all that shit

I can only speak from my own experience but I think if you’re going so deep you can’t breathe, maybe you’re doing it wrong?

I refuse to empathize with reality TV stars.

“He liked how innocent Taylor was and that she had a good caring heart”

I suffer from social anxiety and agoraphobia but if I saw some asshole harassing a trans person(or someone perceived as trans) in the restroom I know I would go fucking berserk on them. Nothing pisses me off more than narrow minded bigots harassing people for just trying to live their life.

love mt fiji!!!

It’s like when you’re 12 and your mom told you to clean your room before she got home from work. You obviously spend all day not doing it and then spring to frantic action shoving all your crap in your closet the second you hear your garage door open.

Who has ever had cookies long enough for them to go stale?

Who has ever had cookies long enough for them to go stale?

Looks like he’s just on the tip. I don’t think that counts.

GAAAAAW! Just opened Jezebel and this creature filled my screen. I’m holding you all responsible for my lack of sleep this evening! I just can’t with spiders!

Frankly, I’m disappointed she didn’t take him to task. He was awful to her for months. I don’t think I could sit there and be as soft on him as she was.

That interview was essentially two people jacking each other on camera.