“Hi, I’m Peter Dinklage” :D
“Hi, I’m Peter Dinklage” :D
Oh, you know my sister?
This is my favorite thing today.
This reminds me, in addition to my organic anal beads, it looks like my dildo garden is almost ready for its first harvest of the year! #blessed
My anus is like a fruit cellar sometimes used to tie people up in, ho-hum. Boring.
my father invented toaster strudel.
Thank you for this gif!
I stand firmly in the belief that Madonna in 2016 is boring. She is regurgitating her style and persona from 1985 and I’m yawning while she’s working hard to sell it as shock and awe.
I am so embarrassed for Madonna and even more for her son. Please. It isn’t ageism. It is that you just look the fool.
i have avoided this for that very reason - i’ve had a few suction cup shower organizers come crashing down.
Jodie’s terrible turnout drove critics to condemn the company, leading all the old ladies who wanted to fan Cooper’s genitalia with their money to run away.
Vogue also named Kim and Kanye “Best Dressed” so what the fuck do they know.
You’re better off with a suction hook. 3M also makes Command adhesive hooks for the shower now, but I can’t speak to their effectiveness. I’m just a little surpised that most folks wouldn’t have thought aboiut this on their own. Must be a slow blogging day.
I read that she sued and got 4 million from the estate of her friend who owned the chimp and that still doesn’t seem like enough. I am going to sound heartless since the woman who owned the chimp is passed but i really hope her estate gets hit with the bill for all this.
Ha, ha, yes. Some kids just have that.
Is that a dried grapefruit slice around her neck?