
Also, am I supposed to see this wretched disfigurement she keeps alluding to? Because I do not.

Excellent gif usage. +100

This. Is. Perfect.



My fave too, only I just throw mine in uncut. I also squeeze half an orange in and toss the thing into the mix as well. And cumin. I add cumin. I either crockpot or InstantPot it and then crisp it up under the broiler.

Those things terrify me. I’ve seen videos of giant ones that they’ve thrown big shit into, like fridges. My mind immediately goes to a person falling in while it’s running.

You sure we shouldn’t call a pastor first? Maybe we need help with the thoughts and prayers.

I mean, Jesus bled, died, and came back. There’s still hope, Rick. Just shhhh.....


I think I’d start with the thoughts and prayers first. Several minutes of thoughts and prayers. Maybe an hour or so, even.

Every time a republican announces his intention to not seek re-election (“retirement”), I wonder what kind of dirt he’s afraid of being discovered.

I’d rather keep my gym bag mildew free as well, as I paid a good sum for it. Also, I don’t get home till about 7pm each night and I’m up at 3:30am. I don’t do laundry every night. My way works for me.

I’m 42. If I wind up being 1/10 the woman Emma Gonzalez is right this very second, I will consider it a win. I’m in absolute awe of her.

I work out in the gym at work before my workday starts, so rinsing out isn’t an option unless I want mildew. I do not. I put my stinky clothes in an Apera bag with a charcoal sachet, as well as each shoe with sachet in its own bag. It seems to be keeping my bag from stinking, as well as my clothes. Of course, I also

Pregnancy test! Excellent!

Come sit by me. I brought Doritos and an extra pillow.

Honestly, I think I’d FILL my clear bag with tampons, condoms, hemorrhoid cream, Nickleback cds, lube, and other assorted sundries just to make the clear-bag-decision-makers uncomfortable.

She looks like Jessica Simpson.