
Interesting personal glimpse of the Leatherman brand. I’ve recently switched from SOG Paratool to the Wave and like it - don’t love it - but working on it. Uh, silly question or one that’s been already addressed but why not make a WAVE with no blades? I’d buy in a heartbeat.

Recently ordered and received my combat flip flops, and a shemagh, and I love ‘em.

Be Honest

Oh now I’m crying just looking at that tasty venison in the picture - >sniffle< That looks sooo good.

OK, lets start with... “Great, more light to work the slave laborers long into the night so the slave drivers can earn more money paying their slaves the pittance they were earning until night fall but now..”

Use VeraCrypt. I’ve been using it since TruCrypt went kerplunk and it seems to work fantastic and even has had recent updates showing someone somewhere is working on it. ;)

Watching this actually made me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t believe the stupidity of that driver nor the stupidity of the bikes driver to be passing like that. Right or wrong where is the fucking common sense on either persons part?

I am very much looking forward to seeing this movie in the theaters. I sure hope it doesn’t disappoint but I do hear wonderful things.

The flour, the yeast, the salt, the water... I recall an episode of The Frugal Gourmet where he was telling a story of a baker who in his flashy style of mixing the bread dough would beat on his chest like a cave man and then continue mixing and his bread was apparently like no other. It was claimed something growing

To think, if this bird were tasty or its feathers revered for some curious reason, just a few short years ago this species may have been wiped forever from the earths surface without revealing its amazing symbiotic relationship to humans. Isn’t it time we gave ALL the other species a second or third glance and stopped


They are flying frickin’ RATS. I too despise them from the day my wife and I got out of the truck ready to go on a night boat cruise and a seagull unloaded on her as soon as she stepped out of my truck to all the times they waited for me to finish washing my vehicle and then >splat<. Little bastards, I love the

Got me, bazinga!

Nope, can’t do it! Disagree that is. Looks like a BLAST!

LOVE the Kriega line - that which is available here in Canada at the local rider supply - but find the prices a bit, how should I put this, OVERINFLATED? All I could afford was the tool roll because, yes, I am on a budget. So after I bought the tool roll, I went out and bought two Condor Outdoors E&E bags, sewed my

The book “A Twist of the Wrist” by Keith Code (Eddie Lawson wrote notes and comments, Wayne Rainey wrote the foreword) I believe helped me overcome some inherent fears and some beginners confusion... many, many years ago. That and tens years riding and two accidents later, I learned a lot. I’m not sure how relevant it

I’m fond of saying “Everything I learned, I learned outside of school” for this very reason. School is there to give you a baseline to start from in my opinion and then you grow and develop by learning from there. I was taught the basics in school then got out in to the real world and applied and learnt from that.

I’ll be amazed if this gets published but back in the day (80’s) we used to call these “Chinese Wheelies” or “Endos”.

This kind of crap is made to be not too challenging for fear of putting your little wonder off little kits like this. Want to really spark interest then put this entire thing in kit form so they at least have to REALLY make it first before just slapping it together like glorified building blocks. Learn to solder,

I ordered a gazpacho soup in a restaurant and the twits had the nerve to serve it too me cold! I yelled at the waitress to send it back to get heated first then return when its the proper temperature but they fought me the entire time.... wait what? An episode of Red Dwarf? Never mind.