
Humm...I don’t know. Have some Bluth family chicken dancing!

I’ve been thinking a lot about this incident and the take that resources were potentially wasted on five billionaires. I have thoughts, but no blog or anything so, I’m going to share them here.

They told the Coast Guard right away, which made it possible for folks to find the wreckage and confirm. Announcing “we have received information from a secret source indicating that we are probably looking for a gravesite” is not exactly good crisis comms, especially when there’s a slight chance they were wrong about

Allen’s comments are innocuous. He has nothing to do with Bryan’s issues. This seems more like an excuse to write an article about Allen because it will drive more traffic, as the commentariat can’t help but talk about how much they dislike the guy.

I remember that happening in an episode of Roseanne in the 90s. Must have been a sit come staple that decade.

what a dumb ass article

Any 90s kids remember that Home Improvement when Tim and Jill found Brad’s tiny bag of weed and went apeshit?

Was he actually a child “star”? I thought everybody loved JTT back then, not him.

He did have something to do with turning Bryan into a child star, which is historically a corrupting factor.”

I disagree.

All he knows is that if he doesn’t get the stock price up he’ll end up living in an Econoline down by the river.

All the Home Improvement kid actors had names that sound like 19th century presidents.

And within the debris field, the Coast Guard discovered a nude sketch of Kate Winslet.

You’re angry that Starfield is going to give you want you previously wanted?

Or are you angry at No Mans Sky for previously failing to deliver?

Where should we draw the line? If you have $10 million in the bank is the government allowed to rescue you? $1 million? $100k? What cut off level do you propose for the “you’re on your own” response

Yeah but most of the tickets given out in WI are to IL drivers. ;)

It is impressive they found the wreckage of such a small craft so quickly, when you think about it. From a technological and logistical point of view, this is still an impressive result.

I agree. We raised two very adventurous kids. If we were on a long drive to whatever the weekend adventure was going to be, the kids got fed before we left (even if it was zero-dark-early), and a snack when we arrived while I was getting gear ready. If it was a really long drive, we’d stop at a pull-out or a park for

Yea first question was a facetious.

Not surprised with Iowa. It’s essentially a drive-through state. Nothing there to see and I’ve gotten a ticket there before. It was 2am on I-80 with wide empty highway but apparently doing 70mph, which was 5 over the limit at that time, was sooooooo dangerous :rolleyes: